Z = Toggles on/off Flight info, upper left-hand corner of screen
M = Toggles Map on/off
Shift + T = Toggles TAC screen on/off
T = Cycles throuh TAC screen types
Shift + D = Toggles text lines, in top center of screen on/off
Ctrl + Shift + L = Toggles ID Labels on/off
Ctrl + Shift + I = Toggles Toggles Targetting Cone and Brackets on/off
I = Toggles Targetting Cone on/off
P + Pause
F1 = Aircraft Help
F2 = Combat Flight Simulator 3 Help
F3 = Toggles inside/outside cockpit view
F4 = Cycles through Spot View, Chase View, Player/Target View, Virtual Cockpit View
F4 + Ctrl + Shift = Target/Player View (need to be in PlayerTarget View first)
F5 = Toggles HUD on/off
F6 = Cycles Pilot Views
F7 - Toggles Bombsight View on/off
F8 = Cycles through Gunstations
F9 = Toggles Bomb/Rocket View on/off
[ = Zoom in
] = Zoom out
~ = Padlock View
Ctrl + ; = Takes pic (pic will be a *.bmp file in the proper CFS3 folder in My Documents folder)
EDIT: Yes, Ctrl + Shift + A = Auto-Pilot, AND Ctrl + Shift + Q = immediate shutdown.