Regard 3D redux light in FS2004


Charter Member 2012
Hello !

I´m planed to edit the aircraft cfg files in the [LIGHTS] section of all of my airplanes, begin with the aircraft I have in FSGW.

I tend to upload the codes here in the community.

Have a quest, if I must have permision from the owner of the 3rd part addon airplanes conserning, regard copyright , before uploading ?

I´m just changed the codes in the [LIGHTS] section.

Best Regard
3D Redux lights

Hi Wing Z !

Yeas - I have check the 3D Redux list at A2A´s forum. But not all aircraft I have in my hangars is listed.

I have begin with the aircrafts I´m flying in FSGW (1903 - 1945) I know the early planes don´t have lights at all.

Here is a example what I tend to upload. Not all att att the same time, I have to many aircrafts in the hangar.


Boulton Paul Overstard by Ted Cook UK:

//Types: 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing torch

light.0 = 3, 1.25, -35.732, 8.40, fx_shockwave_navred ,
light.1 = 3, 1.25, 35.732, 8.40, fx_shockwave_navgre ,
light.2 = 4, 5.00, 0.00, 3.00, fx_vclight,
light.3 = 5, -1.25, -33.50, -1.25, fx_shockwave_landing_light_small
light.4 = 5, -1.25, 33.50, -1.25, fx_shockwave_landing_light_small

Some early aircraft uses som sort of torch for landing at night.

I have many books and magazine regarding aircraft, and I search the internet for pictures, to check where the lights is placed.

Best Regard
I think maybe what Wing_Z was suggesting was that you upload your information on the A2A Forum for the 3D Redux Lights. They have already established a nice database there and usually, before I do anything with mine I'll check their list to see if it's already been done.

On the other hand, there's no reason not to post here. Simply changing one set of lights for another doesn't violate anything that I'm aware of and as long as you don't charge money for your work you're in the clear so post away Dennyboy.