Registry Problems


Charter Member 2014
I have somehow succeeded in screwing up my registry to the point that EditVoicePack no longer works, and I cannot install some of my payware aircraft. EVP suggests that I re-install FS9 and that this will fix the problem. Is that correct? Is it possible to run the FS9 install program WITHOUT losing all of my currently installed mods. Or do I just have to start all over? I've not run into this isssue before. Anybody?

You can try flight1 registry repair tool to fix the path statement so that it again points to the correct directory for FS.

You do not need to actually edit the registry using this tool. Simply download the tool, then click on it. A small browser window opens up which you use to point to the fs9.exe file .... That is it.

Thanks for the download link. My sim's working fine; however, when attempting to run EVP I get the same msg on my machine that andersel does. Will see how this goes.