• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

    We just posted part one of the how to on uploading new files to the Library. Part 1 covers adding new files. Part 2 will cover making changes to your the uploads you own.

    Questions or comments please post them in the regular forums. Which forum is that... Well it is the one you spend the most time in.

    Thanks the Staff

    Library How to

Reklaw Fly-In Discussion Thread


This idea has been batted about recently HERE and so I thought if we were ever going to get serious about it I should find out how many are actually wanting to do this and when. Christmas and New Years are not far off and I don't know how that affects our members, especially those outside of the U.S., as far as free time to get together for a few hours online.

So this is your chance to speak up and give your opinion on how we should proceed. Currently I know of 4 (myself, Duckie, tgycgijoes and Tako Kichi). The FSX Forum has gone very quiet in recent months and I don't know if this is permanent or if it will suddenly rise from the ashes and become active again, but either way lets see who is still around and would enjoy a bit of MP fun.
Well I’ll start it off. Thanks for the nudge Ed. I’m retired and am pretty much free most of the time. I live in the U.S. Eastern time zone but that does not limit my availability. The only time I’m generally not available is Sunday mornings between 7:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. local time. And, as Ed has already noted, l’m in and standing by. Also, just FYI, I check in to the SOH several times a day, but I generally don’t post unless I have something to say.

Thanks Duckie. If you ever want to get some time on Teamspeak, just let me know, we might even find Tako (Larry) on there too.
Ed, now when have I ever missed a MP session?

Even on holidays here in the land of tequila I have my no-longer-trusty laptop and headset.

As for Larry, I've been on most evenings this week and no sign of him. Last news was that someone brought home a disease and he was feeling :dizzy:

Duckie, you can always check down at the bottom of the Forums main page and anyone actually on TS will be listed there

Useless trivia
1) It's a nice quick flight from KSMI to the Farm in Milton's TigerCat at low level ( although Texas cattle aren't impressed) and
2) you CAN get a near-emprty and dry B737 in and out of the Farm, but better be on the centerline if you try.

I'm sorta available 2300 - 0400 UTC (1700-2100 MST) for the next 4 evenings, then not until the19th or so, and pretty much any time after XMAS until the 4th of Jan (weekend trip to KSEA planned). That applies to a fly-in or even if anyone wants to test TS and Join-FS.

Available Times and Dates

I am almost always able to fly on Saturdays when school is in session at our homeschool. From now until the second week in January is Christmas vacation because we go to school all year long with breaks like this. Therefore from now until then it's Mondays through Saturdays with the exception of Wednesday 10AM-4PM only for me and hours are open for the most part of the rest of the week. Sundays are out all day church and family dinner. I am Eastern US Standard Time or -5 UTC. I would say, Ed you pick a date and time and let those of us who want to fly pipe in yay or nay. If only one can't make it and I include myself in that the rest can still fly and the "can't make it" fly in the next session if this is successful.
I have two tentative dates in mind:

Dec 27th/evening. . . .this to get everyone on Teamspeak and before we sign off to get everyone accustomed to JoinFS.
Jan 6th. . . . . . . . . . .Fly-In Day. The exact time to be determined during the Dec 27th get-together.

Any problems with these dates, make them known here so we can move them around if necessary.
I have two tentative dates in mind:

Dec 27th/evening. . . .this to get everyone on Teamspeak and before we sign off to get everyone accustomed to JoinFS.
Jan 6th. . . . . . . . . . .Fly-In Day. The exact time to be determined during the Dec 27th get-together.

Any problems with these dates, make them known here so we can move them around if necessary.

Both dates (times) good with me. All listed software installed and working as far as I can tell. However, proper settings may be another issue. Looking forward to it.

Both sort of good for me with the 27th being the most iffy depending on what time you want to start. I could join by my phone but I might be driving. JoinFS I have down.
Both sort of good for me with the 27th being the most iffy depending on what time you want to start. I could join by my phone but I might be driving. JoinFS I have down.
Dave we can move that 27th meeting to the 28th or the 26th if need be so you can attend without being on the road.
Good and bad

I have two tentative dates in mind:

Dec 27th/evening. . . .this to get everyone on Teamspeak and before we sign off to get everyone accustomed to JoinFS.
Jan 6th. . . . . . . . . . .Fly-In Day. The exact time to be determined during the Dec 27th get-together.

Any problems with these dates, make them known here so we can move them around if necessary.
Wed Dec 27th I will be in church all evening so I won't be able to join that session but Saturday Jan 6th is good for the flyin.
Wed Dec 27th I will be in church all evening so I won't be able to join that session but Saturday Jan 6th is good for the flyin.
Well, as it appears those times and days aren't working for everyone so a change will most likely be made anyway.
Stay with the 27th and add the 28th as a pickup day for anyone who can't make the 27th.

I can make that one for sure.

The 6th is a good day.