Release or not, sort of fake Jolly F-4N


Done a repaint on the CLoud9 F-4E/F Phanthom, of the VF-84 "Jolly Rogers", as you might know only operated the "Navy" Phantoms aka F-4B/N/J's, so the repaint is a bit fake in that aspect.



Up to you, should i release it? :monkies:

Looks outstanding to me, Mgr, and I agree, Toastmaker, that the Navy really should have had a gun on their Phantoms.... One vote for release....
I am a supporter of the arts....and that paint looks like a piece of art to me.

If Hollywood can paint some meatballs on a T-6 and pass it off as a Zero, then this is certainly OK! That is a great looking paint, please upload!
i'll take one, always loved Navy paints and i love my C9 F-4, even if its a what-if, great work.
cheers ian
I just uninstalled FS9 to take a break from it for a while, I can see a re-install happening very soon, nice repaint looking forward to flying her.
Looking Good Marcel, very much so:ernae:
When I did the original VF-161 aircraft for Bart, I kinda had mixed feelings. It grew on me however. Besides, the Japanese ones used to be Gull Grey/White so..... almost a USN one .... I thought.