Reminder: return-the-animals team flight


P-38 nut

From the Official Rules

(Team members are invited to participate in a celebratory flight to return the animals from YMEN to YMLT on Saturday, Feb 28 beginning at 1930Z. Team members are encouraged to fly with other teams for this celebration.)
- dcc
Oh yeah.. return the critters... well, after the way the wombats behaved I'll be glad to return them.. but we'z gonna have some fun.. I borrowed this bit of Italian history (Fiat RS-14) that has a semi-external bomb-bay (perfect Wombat kennel) and one of the ramp rats is going to get some white paint late tonight and paint a big circle on the airstrip and I'm going to return those little bombats..err.. wombats... got room for a couple of other beasts too...

Official notice should be posted in the morning, but it looks as tho' we'll be hosting everyone on Mopar's server (AvSim has some technical issues) so at least we'll know the way. (might get a bit crowded around Tasman airspace tomorrow afternoon... defensive weapons are allowed)