Removing Excess Baggage = How??


Charter Member 2015
Does anyone know if there is any way to make the females disappear in Joe Binkas Wilga?

Every time I load that plane up, the first thing to catch my eyes are them tata's. VERY annoying :argue:

Anyone have any ideas..............please:help:
Temp removal: Fuel and Payload
In the payload section change station 2 and/or 3 to 0 (zero).
Station 2 for the co-pilot and Station 3 for the rear gal.

====== or ======

Permanent removal via the aircraft.cfg in the [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] section.

station_load.0= 170.000, 1.00, 1.40, -.50,
station_load.1= 170.000, 1.00, -1.40,-.50, /copilot
station_load.2= 170.000, 1.00, -1.40,-.50, /rear passenger

change the 170.000 to 0.000 for the one you want gone.

One note: the rear woman leaves her right arm behind! :icon_eek:
One note: the rear woman leaves her right arm behind! :icon_eek:

Don't ya hate it when a woman leaves behind some evidence? Lipstick on your collar, panties on the ceiling fan, an arm in the back seat of your plane!

Different topic now. I should start a new thread.

Has anyone noticed that the landing lights don't come on? I mean, they do, but you only see them shining one the ground and not glowing at the lenses on the wing-tips. Is there a fix for that?
Different topic now. I should start a new thread.

Has anyone noticed that the landing lights don't come on? I mean, they do, but you only see them shining one the ground and not glowing at the lenses on the wing-tips. Is there a fix for that?

You can add a landing light effect via the aircraft.cfg [LIGHTS] section.

for example:
// types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
// 6=Taxi, 7=Recognition, 8=Wing, 9=Logo, 10=Cabin

////////type, fore/aft, left/right, hi/lo, effect_file - in feet
light.5 = 5, 1.45, -11.95, 3.45, fx_landing
It appears that the lights are being eaten up by the wing tip vortex, flap vortex and exhaust effects (if I'm understanding it correctly. How many light settings are allowed in the [lights] section? Or am I going to have to give up one for the other? I guess I'll just experiment after backing up first.

Thanks again Dogknot :ernae:
It appears that the lights are being eaten up by the wing tip vortex, flap vortex and exhaust effects (if I'm understanding it correctly. How many light settings are allowed in the [lights] section? Or am I going to have to give up one for the other? I guess I'll just experiment after backing up first.

Thanks again Dogknot :ernae:

If I remember right, 19 is the limit on light entries.
Here's the landing lights setup within the confines of FS. To be any better, Joe would have to do them via the model.

light.10=5, 1.40, -17.60, 4.10, fx_landing
light.11=5, 1.40, 17.60, 4.10, fx_landing
I'll give your settings a try more so than mine. With my luck..I'd change something and the plane would fly backwards :faint: