Removing trees from or near runways

Depends on whether the trees are Autogen or not. If they are autogen, you can place an invisible dummy object or something else near the center of the tree object. However, there can be patches of autogen vegetation with many trees or whatever, and the relevant point then is the center of that patch. These patches are usually the cause of autogen spilling into areas where it shouldn't.
Since autogen by default does not interfere with static scenery objects, the autogen will disappear.

If the trees are static scenery and you can locate the object placement bgl, you can load it in ADE or SBX and edit them out.

How do I do this. Is there a tool that will accomplish this?
It would also help to know if this is a specific addon scenery (Orbx/Payware/freeware) or one that maybe you've done yourself. Also a screenshot of the problem and as Mark says. . .knowing if they are autogen or static objects will suggest different remedies.
Like Mark and Ed said, there are tools to do the job.

Post up some shots so we can see what is going on. If the trees are individual hand annotations, they can be moved or re-moved.
If they are placed as "regions" which behave a bit like throwing a carpet into a large room, they can be more unruly. There is a code tweak that will tighten up the accuracy of the regions so that they don't spill into houses, roads or runways. It comes at a tiny bit of a performance cost, but can cure things globally. I run mine at max without any real issues.

Let me see a screen cap and I can determine if the tweak would be helpful to you.
Thanks guys for all of the info. I've solved the problem by simply turning down the autogen to normal. I can't think why it was at max??
Thanks again

Thanks guys for all of the info. I've solved the problem by simply turning down the autogen to normal. I can't think why it was at max??
Thanks again

No problem, I run my sliders for autogen and building density at Max all the time.
You might give the tweak a try and see if you can run the higher autogen settings.

Always begin by making a back up copy of the Prepar3D.cfg file in case you run into any problems.

Open your main Prepar3D.cfg file located in AppData/Roaming/Lockheed Martin/Prepar3D(your version).
Paste the following code in the [TERRAIN] section of the code


Example from my setup:


FSX and P3D do not actually use the vector shape of the terrain polygon, but interpolates that vector into 1 bit images....pixels. Just visualize the vector shape as the empty lines in a coloring book being colored by a group of squares. Default 16x16.

At the default resolution the basic value of 16 renders a very sloppy mosaic that may spill over the edges of the vector. By increasing the value you are tightening up the resolution of the tile map until it fits neatly into the original vector shape that was placed by the developer.
Hope that's not clear as mud.

You can go up to a max of 2048 which will really tighten up terrain placements where terrain regions are very close to roads, houses etc. Most developers will draw the terrain polygons very accurately, but at the low default setting FSX/P3D will allow the autogen to "bleed" outside the borders of the polygon. By increasing the number the sim tightens up that interpolation of the terrain poly to within very tight tolerances.

The same technique applies for FSX or FSX ST as well, but I can't remember if FSX will allow the 2048 value. It may govern itself out at 1024. Can't remember to be honest.

If your performance suffers, drop you number down to 1024 or 512 or even 256 until you find the sweet spot. You can go lower by halving the number each time. Remember default is 16.
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