rendezvouz (i think that's right, can't spell)



this ties in to the other topic about the forming-up triangles, but i figured i might as well start a new thread.

I've flown maybe 4 or 5 escort missions, not as lead, and I don't think I've seen my AI leader meat up with the 2-seaters. Is this the case for anyone? What usually happens is that the two-seaters are overhead when we take-off, but as we complete the laps around the fields, then they head out and I don't see them again for the rest of the mission. If this is a problem, then I thought i might bring it up in time for 1.3.

On the other hand, I had my first gun jam today.... that's been modelled really well. good job.
I usually keep an eye on Flight 1 and the bombers in the TAC display and if they get ahead or start moving away to fast I just hit Next Waypoint (Shift+W) until our paths will meet again.
I usually keep an eye on Flight 1 and the bombers in the TAC display and if they get ahead or start moving away to fast I just hit Next Waypoint (Shift+W) until our paths will meet again.

But I think that only works if your the leader. If your flying as a wingman you can't "advance" the waypoints. Hence on of the reasons I fly "always lead"

I don't think I've seen my AI leader meat up with the 2-seaters. Is this the case for anyone? What usually happens is that the two-seaters are overhead when we take-off, but as we complete the laps around the fields, then they head out and I don't see them again for the rest of the mission.

I can back you up on this. Not sure if it's related to 1.25 or what, but there's now an awful lot of circling waypoints over some airfields (like 8 -10 or more !) at the beginning of a campaign mission. If you follow all these the 2-seaters you're meant to escort are long gone. I don't recall seeing this prior to 1.25. IMO, circling the airfield twice/thrice to form up should be quite enough even close to the lines where gaining height on the outward bound waypoint above effective groundfire (2000 feet) should not be a problem. And if it is, it will be exciting whereas excessive forming up waypoints is dull imho.
IMO, circling the airfield twice/thrice to form up should be quite enough even close to the lines where gaining height on the outward bound waypoint above effective groundfire (2000 feet) should not be a problem.

I hope WM will read this. It may remove some of his concerns regarding the necessaty of gaining enough altitude before crossing battle-front in the future patch.
