Repaint requests taken here (see inside)


Charter Member 2015
With a few stipulations.

No helicopters

GA only

The scheme must a challenge to my skills.

MUST have pizazz !!!

All requests of that nature considered.

Of course a paint kit will need to be supplied ;)
mmmm pizzas.....oooh pizazz *clears throat* needing a challenge are you buddy? Try M.Shupes Spartan in your own personal scheme, that'll keep you busy.... :ernae:
IF GA stands for Gross Automobile, then I would like to challenge you to paint my car. It wouldn't take long, since half of the car is rusted away. The challenge would be to get the new paint to look good surrounded by rust holes and the miles of baling wire that are holding it together. I can supply a paint kit...some sandpaper, some cans of spray paint, some newspaper and tape for masking off the windows and lights. Heck, I might even be able to supply a cold beer or two to help you keep your strength up.

No fav paint to share, but...

Besides the two original releases at PAD, I have found only one paint for the DHC-5 Buffalo at ... a nice camo job in C-115 Buffalo FAB colors. Texture by Cristiano Magnani.

PAD DHC-5 Buffalo

Kind of a shame for such a workhorse of the backcountry...peacetime and wartime.

Can you find me a closer shot of the tail please? It will help me out a whole bunch so I can re-draw it easier
I managed to find a couple better shots of the tail. I'll give it try now to see what I can come up with.
That state crest on the tail is all I need to get this thing to the final stages. They look like stars. Not sure though
what about a flamed kodiak? if you don't have the kodiak, what about the default baron?

or, if you want really challenging, how about turning mike stone's 337 into "niteflyer" from steven king?
Hmm love to see a NZ scheme for the FS9 Carenado 152 and 172 but Im not sure whether there is a piant kit out for either and Ill need to find a NZ scheme with pizzaz.
That state crest on the tail is all I need to get this thing to the final stages. They look like stars. Not sure though

Alaska's flag is blue with 8 gold stars. 7 form the big dipper and the 8th, the north star. Alaska's State Flag should be easy to come up with.

The Dept. of Forestry's moniker is an outline map of the state of Alaska, in blue, with the state flag stars upon it.
Question Flyboy..

Was doing this particular repaint, on this specific aircraft meant to be a mental challenge? Has anyone else done repaints here that can confirm my madness?

No offense meant Piglet, but this paintkit is twisted.

What I think should be the same from one side of the wings to the other, or bottom to top, is completely whacked
The T-6, for Alphasim, War Lock, it's black. Don't have picture.
Question Flyboy..

Was doing this particular repaint, on this specific aircraft meant to be a mental challenge? Has anyone else done repaints here that can confirm my madness?

No offense meant Piglet, but this paintkit is twisted.

What I think should be the same from one side of the wings to the other, or bottom to top, is completely whacked

I have clue as to repainting, so had no idea the painkit is unusual.

Very happy you are giving this repaint a try.

Mike :typing::monkies::ernae: