It's all open domain, but I think it cheats the efforts of Huub, Mike Wilson, and others, including myself, who spent real time repainting all of these shown using Stuart's excellent Paint Kit. All of these paints are available, I know I did at least half of the one's shown. RobH, it's a fine effort, but don't you think taking templates from Rise of Flight and adapting them to Stuart's textures is a little unfair to those of us, who spent hours doing just one and doing all the work ourselves in lieu of just pasting a template cut-out and pasted onto Stuart's textures. Sorry for being a pooper, but that is just my opinion.
It's all open domain, but I think it cheats the efforts of Huub, Mike Wilson, and others, including myself, who spent real time repainting all of these shown using Stuart's excellent Paint Kit. All of these paints are available, I know I did at least half of the one's shown. RobH, it's a fine effort, but don't you think taking templates from Rise of Flight and adapting them to Stuart's textures is a little unfair to those of us, who spent hours doing just one and doing all the work ourselves in lieu of just pasting a template cut-out and pasted onto Stuart's textures. Sorry for being a pooper, but that is just my opinion.
Sorry Caz,
I think your statements are out-of-order. You yourself admit to using someone else's paintkit. Just like Rob has done too, just a different one. Adapting paintkits is almost as much work as making your own, I know, I've tried it.
I've known RobH for years and he has produced a prolific amount of paints for CFS2/FS9/FSX, and uses his own painkits, except in this instance. His work is well respected round here, just in different circles, just as he, himself is a very respected member just like yourself. Again different circles.
Anyone who puts effort in for the good of others has my respect, irrespective of what that effort entails (bar piracy).
Rob, please reconsider, your work is always appreciated round here, just like Cazzies.
PS. Rami, please disregard Rob's request, people want these paint's. The same people who have the others repaints too I'd wager.
Not speaking of the paint kit, I expect RobH used the same. I am speaking of all the artwork done, the markings and such, The lozenge applied right takes a heap of time. All RobH did was use the template textures from RoF and apply them to Stuart's textures, no real artwork required here. I could start a broo-ha-ha, but I won't, I'll just disappear from this thread and others like it. It's not piracy at all, but it is a copy using someone's artwork.
(shortened by Huub)The only thing I used from ROF was the dirt layers, panel lines, etc., the art work underneath is ALL MINE!!! I spent many hours on each one, creating the 'art work'
Rob, I guess I was one of the few that did manage to download them last night ..........
Not speaking of the paint kit, I expect RobH used the same. I am speaking of all the artwork done, the markings and such, The lozenge applied right takes a heap of time. All RobH did was use the template textures from RoF and apply them to Stuart's textures, no real artwork required here. I could start a broo-ha-ha, but I won't, I'll just disappear from this thread and others like it. It's not piracy at all, but it is a copy using someone's artwork.