Request for testers please..


Charter Member
I am asking humbly, for help with a Rising Sun Package for testing..

It will include Liquidchicken's beautiful Mogami class heavy cruisers (when ready) and the new Japanese Light cruisers by Jaycee ( here at SOH).
The Hobbit Hole Gang I need to know who has Rising Sun beta 1.1 Sino-Japanese theater set up.

This is a separate package from the Rising Sun Formosa and AVG set I have sent out to the team and testers..

Just send me a e-mail or PM and once this is ready for testing I will send it to whom every wants it to test..
Thanks all for your kind help..
Thank you, Glad to see if any of this works..
One never knows..
:redf: :redf:
Great screenshots..
Let me know when your ready my friend for some more CFS3 missions for your Great site..
Oh yea!
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Happy to help!

HouseHobbit: I'd be honored to help. I sent you a PM with my email address. Thank you for your great help with SPQR33's missions.:cost1: