I guess I don't understand the question.
You only need the most recent package (Dec 2019) if you're talking about AnKor's shaders. Really, that's all you need.
I wouldn't install the SweetFX program anymore.
I'd use Reshade if I wanted to add post process special graphics effects on top of AnKor's shaders, but that's completely optional to running CFS3. Reshade includes all of the legacy SweetFX shaders along with it's own default ones, and various other custom packs you may find interesting.
Lately Reshade's developers seem to be mostly focused on creating new effects that rely on z-axis sorting to allow for image manipulation that is dependent on object distance. They've done amazing things like selective fog, and narrow depth of focus for newer games that have their rendering data in the right format, but none of these will work with good old CFS3. My primary application of Reshade is for basic color contrast enhancement, and image sharpening.