Thank you for the tips, however that is not the look I try to achieve. Looking at your work, there is no doubt, you are an artist. There is no way I could do the work you do. I do appreciate and respect your comments, but....LOL!!
You are painting panel lines with the common misconception that aluminum panels are butted against one another. They are actually overlapping one another. They will butt against one another when they are removable panels. I will include a pic of what I mean. The way that I do panel lines, is the main reason why I posted this question. There is no way, that the detail I have done on these lines can be shrunk down, and still hold this look. I have heard many people comment on how they paint in 2048 textures, then reduce. I was just hoping there was something out there that would be a 'magic cure', lol. Of course there never is.
This is work done on the Alphasim He-111. These were done to be used in FSX, so they are 4096 in size. This can still be done on 1024, its just not as easy. There is a light hint of white on top with a black layer on the bottom to create the shadow effect. Now, maybe modern aircraft are constructed different. I have only studied WW2 aircraft.
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