Restarted work on Schiphol 1940....

Cees Donker

Staff member
I ended my retirement and started to work on Schiphol 1940 again. No working afcad yet and there's still a lot of work to be done. Look for yourself. Harry probably will restart working on the roads and bridge in September. Until then you can get a beta. Just PM me your e-mail addy.


Welcome back Cees! :salute:

I was just wondering how you were doing. I think the answer is here.

Schihol 1940 looks fabulous! Such a difference with the last situation I know (which was great already).:jump:
I'll send you a pm.

Dank en groeten,
The only thing that isn't mine is the terminal!:icon_lol: It's the same as in the Aviodome scenery. The maker of that scenery granted me permission to use his Gmax source.

