Restaurantavia MD311....HELP!


Retired SOH Admin
I down loaded and installed the MD311, looks great inside and out. However, I can't get it to start...and the check list is in French, which I used to speak fluently in one of previous lives (I was Napoleon Bonapart's barber), but in this life I can't speak or understand a word of French.

Does anyone have a user manual for the MD311 that is written in American English that they would be willing to share?

PM out to you OBIO.


Is it just me, or does the MD311 look like what might have resulted from taking parts from a B-25, a B-26 and a Mossie and gluing them together to form a new plane? Nose of the 26, tail of the 25 and engines of the Mossie (I know that the MD311 and Mossie used different engines, but they were both V-12 inlines....close enough).

Actually the engines where "stolen" from the FW-189. Renault built engines for the Germans during the war and they kept on producing them in peace time.
Seemed to have lost the link for the website. Can someone provide a link, please?
Yes OBIO you are right

MD 311 is a remix of B25 B26 Mosquito and ......
Marcel Bloch (renamed Marcel Dassault in 1950 ) was prisoner at Buchenwald concentration camp in 1944 and imagine that "Flamand MD311" there.... maybe looking to these "anglo american" bombers flying around every days and nights.

I'm very please to meat Napoleon 's barber ...great work

Sorry for my very bad english
Downloaded ..installed
read docs and check list
tried to run engines
failed 3 times


Bonjour Francis,

Had the same problem and found a painless cure which will circumvent the chore of starting the engines with a turn of the crank...:kilroy:

This plane is too nice to just send it away to file 13...

PM me if you want the cure !

I've always had an interest in this classic French twin (and try to collect as much as I can about it). The flightsim version is an absolute favourite and is often to be found at the front of my virtual hangar - once I've got the engines started.

Yesterday whilst looking for Broussard material (from my epic trip to Belgium and France), I came across this superb Flamant video. Enjoy.


Talking about this video, ours is the fourth from the left as the Yak goes past! :) - the one with the red engine cover.
Absolutely, PM fleurdelys as he has the fix for the engine starting, thanks Jean-Robert. :medals:

And he is right, it is much too nice of an airplane to 86, it flies excellently. I have done a new propwash for it also, but there does seem to be something in the .mdl file that causes the polished metal engine covers to override the propwash texture and make it disappear behind the engine cover? The default propwash leaves much to be desired.

Have you found the error in the engine covers yet Jean-Robert?

Sorry I have not been back in touch, busy week and I have been trying to turn the Aeroplane Heaven XF5F-1 into a more up-to-date FS2004 aircraft.


Hi Caz,

No problem as I've been busy myself with another project.

Haven't found the cure for the engine panel but got the OK from the designer to try my hands at repaints of this beauty.

Will get busy on this next weekend ...:kilroy:


Bonjour à tous,

Well, this was longer than expected but a re-paint and re-work of the file sounds as well as the modified panel cfg file (refer to "the cure" above) was just uploaded to Sim-Outhouse. It should be available shortly, after the usual delay... :kilroy:

I wish to thank Cazzie for his generous artistic help with the propwash disk and also Emmanuel Geffroy (Restauravia) and his team who have graciously accepted to let me publish a different view of one of their three Flamants, No.276.

Happy flights to all,

Is it just me, or does the MD311 look like what might have resulted from taking parts from a B-25, a B-26 and a Mossie and gluing them together to form a new plane? Nose of the 26, tail of the 25(...)

The MD.311's tail and wings are very, very similar with the (pre-war) MB.174's.