Restoring, un installing & re installing P3D


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Some observations.

The past few days Ive been trying to "repair" my P3D to a vanilla state after experiencing a botched install of AS16.

During the course of my frustrated sessions in front of the PC, Ive noticed something that I wasnt aware off regarding repairing P3D.

With FSX when you want to repair your install, you can insert your dvds and the software re installs all the files back to the original install, P3D doesn't do that!

Upon selecting repair, the 9-ish gig P3D.exe appears to only look for missing files and re installs what it needs to run. I played around for at least 10hrs trying to restore my files without doing an uninstall to find out that the problem remained after each repair. Which sent me on a mission to work out what was happening for future reference.

  • Each time after I did a repair my orignal problem of no clouds remained.
  • So I then decided to try a different approach, I backed up a few files in the weather folder and then deleted them, then followed up with a P3D repair, this time the missing files were replaced. I confirmed this by the install date and time.

  • So I then removed one of the files in weather folder and replaced it with an older (one with a different install date and time) and did another repair and checked the install dates and times both files remained untouched on completion.
  • I did this with a few different folders that could have the potential to impact the running of P3D, the above process was confirmed.

Like I mentioned earlier where FSX did everything when conducting a repair, P3D doesnt. Which means if your install is corrupt and you have no idea what is the cause you are left with no choice but to un install P3D and re install (however I will get back to that later) but this has pros and cons.
  • Cons, if you have no idea what the problem is, you are buggered and have to do a complete re install.
  • Pros, if you know the file or folder thats the cause of your woes you can just delete it (with caution) and just do a repair and get a new one

Un/Re installing. I noticed another issue. Most of your key cfgs and files remain after you un install, so some times you may have to go and delete several files or folders after your un install ( this isn't really new). What was new to me was that your .cfg or .xml unless deleted them will remain and be active .cfg or .xml after your re install. in short no new cfgs so if you have a corrupt .cfg or .xml.

In summary,

  • Unless you know the source of your problems (ie the file) you are pretty much alright, its a simple case of back up(just in case) and delete and conduct a repair.
  • If you have no idea what the problem is, you may very well have to remove all the files of P3D from your drives and start from scratch with a complete re install.
Jeansy, just wondering, if you have the room, you could rename your original install folder, so the installer / repair facility won't find it, which would do a fresh install, in separate folder. Then you could rename again, and replace one at a time. Of, course, this requires the space. As for the configs and xml's, that would also require the renaming step.

Just a thought. Hope you figure out what's going on.

I have just, finally, been able to set up my FS rig, which has been in storage for nearly 10 months. Way behind on updates, etc. Watching these problems closely.
Just as a side-note on re-installing : FSCubed is a program that takes a snapshot of all your scenery and stores it to where ever you point it , my case a different drive . Come reinstall time just one click , walk away and come back when finished.
To tell you the truth I have this but as of yet never needed to reinstall , I hope it works !
Today I installed the new NA OLC and it killed my P3D. I couldn't even git it to run to see where the problem was. Had to uninstall it and reinstall it again. Now comes 3 days of reinstalling everything.
Today I installed the new NA OLC and it killed my P3D. I couldn't even git it to run to see where the problem was. Had to uninstall it and reinstall it again. Now comes 3 days of reinstalling everything.

What fun!
I made a minor cock-up with my P3D3 scenery installation and fortunately had backed up my aircraft, but I kid you not Pat, just re-doing the base and scenery is dampening my enthusiasm big time!
Today I installed the new NA OLC and it killed my P3D. I couldn't even git it to run to see where the problem was. Had to uninstall it and reinstall it again. Now comes 3 days of reinstalling everything.

Yes sir Pat , ran into the very same problem or similar . It actually ran for a few days then started having small little problems creeping in . Finally today P3D would boot up as far as the starting screen then nothing . Strangely though it was still showing up in the Task Manager as still running . Believe me , have tried all the suggestions on the net and still a no go . Deleted certain files , tried a repair and several other things . Someone suggested on P3D forum wipe everything clean and go a complete reinstall . Do have a question though : Registry entry still there for P3D and I am still planning on reinstalling it in the same drive . Do I need to delete the Registry entry for P3D too for a fresh install ? I know what I'll be doing for the next 3 or 4 days ! :banghead:

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Just my opinion but I (me, myself) always do a search for anything related to the sim that I have uninstalled, that includes the registry and the assorted detritus (like the old .cfg!) scattered around the system.
Short answer, yes!