Hi guys, Gals - especially any Gals in here 
I have not touched CFS 3 for over a year now, and I am just setting everything up fresh. I used to use a Saitek X52 and have recently picked up a Throttle Quadrent and an Avaiator Sitck so I have to redo all my key/control assingments. Now the main question is, (I know I should remember this but I don't) is there a common file that controls the key/control assingments in the User Folder, or is it kept in the program folders? The reason is I am installing the expansions as well and I do not want to program the controller assingments for each one, I have already installed CFS3, ETO, and MAW, I want to also install PTO Solomons and OFF, but I might hold off if I can have the assingments picked up when the installer does it "Copy the original files" thing.
My other thought is if I can locate the COntrol assingments file I could set it up in one sim and cop it to the expansion games (I hope that will work). Most of the work will be in the Saitek Profiler software but I do need to program quite a few Axis controls such as Elivator Trim, Mixture, etc in game.
Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.
BTW I am sure this has been said many times but I have to add a great big WTG to all the developers for the OUTSTANDING work on the expansion packs, the results are truly AMAZING!!!

I have not touched CFS 3 for over a year now, and I am just setting everything up fresh. I used to use a Saitek X52 and have recently picked up a Throttle Quadrent and an Avaiator Sitck so I have to redo all my key/control assingments. Now the main question is, (I know I should remember this but I don't) is there a common file that controls the key/control assingments in the User Folder, or is it kept in the program folders? The reason is I am installing the expansions as well and I do not want to program the controller assingments for each one, I have already installed CFS3, ETO, and MAW, I want to also install PTO Solomons and OFF, but I might hold off if I can have the assingments picked up when the installer does it "Copy the original files" thing.
My other thought is if I can locate the COntrol assingments file I could set it up in one sim and cop it to the expansion games (I hope that will work). Most of the work will be in the Saitek Profiler software but I do need to program quite a few Axis controls such as Elivator Trim, Mixture, etc in game.
Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.
BTW I am sure this has been said many times but I have to add a great big WTG to all the developers for the OUTSTANDING work on the expansion packs, the results are truly AMAZING!!!