Returning user


Hi, after a few years away from simulation, I'm now trying to come back to the hobby, thanks to MSFS 2020.
In fact I'm only interested in light and/or vintage aircraft, so the stock fleet in MSFS might not seem the most adequate for me, but with the increasing variety of 3rd party add-ons, that might change soon.
The Aerolite 103, the newborn Grumman Goose (thanks so much OzWookiee!!) and the upcoming Waco YMF5 from Carenado are quickly reconciling me with MSFS!!
On that basis, I think this forum might be a good place for me to share ideas (or so I remember from the times of Bill & Lynn Lyons' Custom Classics), so I thought I'd drop in to say "hi".
While you're waiting for the addons, try your hand at the glass-gauge 172. Get to know the stock version of the G1000, then when you get that squared away, there's a community-driven upgrade that adds a lot of the missing functionality. I bought the "Deluxe" version for the steam 172, but between the upgraded Garmin setup and the performance mods for the twin Diamond, I've been hooked on the DA62 recently. It may be smaller, but it still carries six adults (seven if they're small), and uses about half as much go-juice as the Baron.