Reverse psychology

Nice to see '128 again - just need the Degsy & Co's Llanbedr in the background!
(Llanbedr was my workbase for nearly 18 years!)
One small comment though on the 'Vixen - the cream should be more yellow like the Canberra's.
I must admit that I don't know the official colour spec, but I know that unfortunately FS/Windows does not render a lot of colours correctly. Jindiviks were flourescent paints (Rocket red for one of them, I seem to remember) which were different to the Meteors & Sea Vixen.
Good shots Dave, I have'nt had one out of the hangar for quite a while - which reminds me I must get down to finishing the U16.....
BTW have you seen the Sea Vixen XP924 photos taken when she was still at Llanbedr on the web? The yellow is a bit dark though. I just googled sea vixen photos.