Revive a pilot?


Charter Member
A knock at the door... I paused the game to answer it and when I returned I had crashed and died. Somehow it came off pause, I know I paused it because the sound went silent.

I need to revive my favorite pilot. How?

Go to campaignsdata folder, then pilots folder, then to the file Pilotdossier (of the pilot)

Open the file with notepad (or similar text editor)

change the line that says: Deceased

to: In Service

save and close file

Then pray for forgiveness to the flight sim Gods.
I'm afraid you can't do much about it. Legally But if you cheat none need ever know, except that guy in the mirror, and his Lips are sealed. That's one of the reasons my pilots can never die, that plus I got tired of enlisting new pilots all the time, just to have them get killed. They can't die, but they go to hospital rather often. You need to impose your own deadline, mine is 22days, anymore and he has a forced retirement, 23 Days he's History. A dirt nap from 6000 is 27 Days, Next Pilot time. Clip a treetop is 19 days with the nurses, he'll rejoin his outfit in about 15 seconds.

I get Captured behind enemy lines, hospitalized 12 Days, made a POW often, then after a few days I escape and run to rejoin my outfit

And to say: "I'll never do that" . . You gotta be really into it :kilroy:
Revive - a - pilot....sounds like a stimulant product. Sounds like Fix - a - flat or filet - o -fish. Like the autopilot in the movie 'Airplane'.:friday:
Consider this thread locked and censored....:wiggle:


Not for long gents not for long.....

Thanks for the tips guys. I hope this feature is NOT removed in future patches. I'd hate it if MY choices were made for me by a few fanatical users.
Agreed . . . most of the time I usually "fly" by the rules. But this last weekend I fired up my current campaign (it had been awhile since flying OFF) and something went wrong with my stick configuration. Still unsure what occured. But crashed and pilot was killed. At the time could not figure out how to revive the unlucky sucker.

If I'd died in combat I would have let it stick . . but since it was a technical glitch I wanted to continue my campagin.

And . . Once again THANK YOU WM and POL for your work on this simulation!!! :ernae:
Cheaters never win or why karma is real

I had a pilot that died (through my own stupidity) that already passed the seventeen hour mark. I was so distressed I decided I would revive him. I figured "What the hay? Who's to know? He deserves a chance at seeing the end of the war.". My first mission with the "Zombie" pilot, he was crashed into by a wingie during the form-up; twenty-seven days in hospital. Second Zombie flight - five in my flight, against two enemies. Zombie pilot damaged (not plane, but pilot!), crash landed, sixteen days in hospital. Third flight - exploded by friendly flak! Killed - AGAIN! Decided to leave dead pilots alone as zombies are inherently bad pilots! :redf:
Well, I'm using this to spring my career pilot out!! He landed fair and square at a friendly airstrip well behind friendly lines, and lo and behold----was declared CAPTURED!! What the!!?? Like if he saw the enemy swarming over the field he would've landed there. "So I'm springin him see, and none of you's guys is gonna stop me!!" With best Cagny gangster accent musterable. :) And if Karma catches up later and gets him killed, well it'll stick, because then thats his fault!! lol


I gotta...he's got 23 confirmed and the Pour-LE-Merite!!!! on 100% ;)
I leave my pilot on "never die" My kids love to rotate the trim sliders on my joystick all the way to the extreme positions when I am at work...

Agreed . . . most of the time I usually "fly" by the rules. If I'd died in combat I would have let it stick . . but since it was a technical glitch I wanted to continue my campagin.

How about if your engine just up and quit on you, for No Good Reason. Phase 2 was that way. That was anything but Combat. That's just the way it went in 1917. Plugged fuel line, tubing fitting vibrated loose. STUFF HAPPENS.

Don't know why it wasn't featured in Phase 3 ? :kilroy:
How about if your engine just up and quit on you, for No Good Reason. Phase 2 was that way. That was anything but Combat. That's just the way it went in 1917. Plugged fuel line, tubing fitting vibrated loose. STUFF HAPPENS.

Don't know why it wasn't featured in Phase 3 ? :kilroy:

If Winder encrypts the files that's exactly how it will be. :)
If Winder encrypts the files that's exactly how it will be. :)

I see it as those who don't want the files protected from customizing their way, as they see fit. Fully expect Winder's support, when any function of the game heads south. Something Doesn't Compute
The performance of one feature, might indeed effect the performance of another. We waited months for the release of Phase 3, for it's testing in one form, frankly I don't see what's wrong with it, that requires fiddeling with.
When a function honestly doesn't work, a patch Will Be Forthcoming

You should've been around for the Hang-On Bug, you really should've :kilroy: