RG Hurricane UF-K Author


Charter Member
Hi all,

I'm interested in knowing who the author of the Hurricane UF-K of No. 601 Squadron is?

It's over at Reg's Hanger, and I'd like to get in touch with them. Also, who is the author of the skins for this bird?

I'm particularly interested in the No.303 (Polish) Squadron skins.

Update on BoB: I'm still working on it when I get some time, I'd like to have the first bit out to the testers as soon as I get some time depending on academic commitments.

Thanks guys,

From the page:-

Original model by Patrick Didier, modified for MAW by Richard "Winjeel" Mason.
Virtual cockpit model by Mathias Pommerian.External textures by John "Bravo/4" Whelan.
VC textures by Mark "John "Bravo/4" Whelan.​

Hope this helps.
Hi Chris,

Richard Mason, is not really active in the CFS3 world anymore. having said that he did give permission for me to use any of his work in the ETO and BoB addons a few years back. I would say if your building planes for the BoB addon then he would be happy for you to use his work. or if you feel uncomfortable about that, than I have a rework of Patrick Didier's Hurricane that we did for ETO, you can use that to base your new planes on if you like.

Bravo/4 (John Whelan) is active here on SOH, send him a PM.

In ETO we have a very nice 303 squadron Hurricane skin done by John.

regards Rob.
Hi Rob,

Actually, I was wondering if I could include the stand alones I made of the Hurricane UF-K in my BoB series.

They're primarily No.303 Squadron and various other aces planes. If not, it's no problem at all!

Does Led Zeppelin still come around here at all?

Thanks a lot,

Hi Chris,

I dont see any reason why you couldnt include your stand alone aircraft as part of your work for upload.

LZ is deffinately still active here at SOH, drop him a PM as well.

regards Rob.
Thanks Rob,

I'll be sure to send him one tonight or tomorrow.

Keep your eyes open for some BoB screenies! I'll hopefully be putting some up this week

As of right now, only the "K" is used. But, that most likely will change when the new ETO update is released.

I'd like to get in touch with the developers of that update to find out what's all included, then I can make the decision whether to release the missions after 1.41 is released.