I just downloaded and installed the LOD8 mesh that Rhumbaflappy did for the Pacific and European Theaters...this set is geared toward CFS2, but my one flight in FS2004 with it installed was breath taking! I love flying out of Alpnach, Switzerland (or is it Sweden). Anyhow...stock it was a pretty place to fly. Then I installed Rhumba's LOD7 and LOD7 mesh...and Alpnach became 5 times more beautiful. The LOD8 mesh takes takes the area around Alphnach and ramps it up by another factor of 5. The mountains are freaking AWESOME!
Here's a link to the original thread on this LOD8 mesh in the CFS2 forum:
The mesh covers Europe east of the Caspian Sea, west of the Azore Islands, south well into the Sahara Desert, north to the Pole (ice cap not included). So basically, if you live in Britain, Scotland, France, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Spain, Italy, Greece, Poland, and other nations within the covered area...you should grab this mesh and install it.
I'm not sure to what degree the Pacific area is covered...but I would imagine that the majority of the Pacific nations and islands are well covered. New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand....I don't know. Japan...no clue. Hawaii....again, no clue. But I am waiting for a reply to a PM I sent in an effort to find out just how much of the Pacific is covered.
There are two updates/fixes that need to be downloaded from an off-SOH site and Rhumbaflappy has links to those files....he uploaded them to a file hosting site due to the problems with the CFS2 library (as a result of the server crash). There are 23 zip files that need downloaded for this mesh set. They are around 60 meg or so each for the most part. When all the bgl files are placed into an unzipped folder, you are looking at 1.4 gig.
Frame Rate with this mesh. While I have not done a lot of extensive testing...just a short 10 minute jaw-dropping flight around Alpnach, with HDE Clouds installed.....my frame rates were unchanged. My FPS is locked at 25, runs at 24.8 to 25 unless I am over detail rich scenery like large airports with lots of buildings and such. My flight around LOD8-meshed Alpnach saw frame rates at 24.8 to 25. I did have a few very small micro-stutters while some of the larger mountain peaks were being rendered from LOD5 and LOD7 to the much more detailed LOD8...but during those micro-stutters, my frame rates only dropped to 24.6....a drop of .2 to .4 frames per second....and that is not enough to worry about. And no, I do not have a super computer (P4 3.0 gig, 2 gig PC3200 RAM, 512meg Nvidia 7600GS video card). And I don't kill services prior to running FS2004. My AVG anti-virus, Ad-Aware, Firewall, sound configuration utility thingie, etc were still chugging away behind the scenes. And I had Snapper and FSMetars running as well.
I will write up a User Guide for the LOD8 mesh like I did for Rhumbaflappy's LOD5 and LOD7 mesh.
Here's a link to the original thread on this LOD8 mesh in the CFS2 forum:
The mesh covers Europe east of the Caspian Sea, west of the Azore Islands, south well into the Sahara Desert, north to the Pole (ice cap not included). So basically, if you live in Britain, Scotland, France, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Spain, Italy, Greece, Poland, and other nations within the covered area...you should grab this mesh and install it.
I'm not sure to what degree the Pacific area is covered...but I would imagine that the majority of the Pacific nations and islands are well covered. New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand....I don't know. Japan...no clue. Hawaii....again, no clue. But I am waiting for a reply to a PM I sent in an effort to find out just how much of the Pacific is covered.
There are two updates/fixes that need to be downloaded from an off-SOH site and Rhumbaflappy has links to those files....he uploaded them to a file hosting site due to the problems with the CFS2 library (as a result of the server crash). There are 23 zip files that need downloaded for this mesh set. They are around 60 meg or so each for the most part. When all the bgl files are placed into an unzipped folder, you are looking at 1.4 gig.
Frame Rate with this mesh. While I have not done a lot of extensive testing...just a short 10 minute jaw-dropping flight around Alpnach, with HDE Clouds installed.....my frame rates were unchanged. My FPS is locked at 25, runs at 24.8 to 25 unless I am over detail rich scenery like large airports with lots of buildings and such. My flight around LOD8-meshed Alpnach saw frame rates at 24.8 to 25. I did have a few very small micro-stutters while some of the larger mountain peaks were being rendered from LOD5 and LOD7 to the much more detailed LOD8...but during those micro-stutters, my frame rates only dropped to 24.6....a drop of .2 to .4 frames per second....and that is not enough to worry about. And no, I do not have a super computer (P4 3.0 gig, 2 gig PC3200 RAM, 512meg Nvidia 7600GS video card). And I don't kill services prior to running FS2004. My AVG anti-virus, Ad-Aware, Firewall, sound configuration utility thingie, etc were still chugging away behind the scenes. And I had Snapper and FSMetars running as well.
I will write up a User Guide for the LOD8 mesh like I did for Rhumbaflappy's LOD5 and LOD7 mesh.