Rick Piper's Hawker Siddeley HS.780 Andover


Charter Member
I'm not having much luck finding this freeware gem. I have feeling that it may be lost to the FS community. Can anyone point me in the right direction of a download or maybe share a previously downloaded copy with me, please?


Good one Roger. :) Have got a premium member ship @ Simviation as well, may have found what you're looking for there too, Taff, though this afternoon for the very first time ever I got this message when trying to look into it further after a Google searching...

...so caution advised there for now until things get straightened out, but here's the link: http://simviation.com/fs2004military133.htm Am thinking it's part of the old site. Nope, just tried the newer website, same message. Happy hunting, Taff. There's a thread here somewhere, close to a decade old, where someone was looking for this very model.

*edit*- Hmmm... am not sure the precise model that Taff is looking for is actually available there, Roger. HS780 Andover. There was more than one Andover model if remembering correctly? Additionally, am finding no way to join that site either.

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This file's page's thumbnail showed an Alatalia 747 cargo. Downloaded safely on my Chromebook, thumb drive over to my battle rig's tower and scanned McAfee: Safe. Opened --> and I'll bet you a YS-11 repaint of my choice that this could well be the gem you're looking for:


Looked sketchy to me initially, but this paint and the .cfg edit, included, may be what you're looking for if you already have the base HS.748 model?

*edit*- Now I'm thinking this may be for the Just Flight model, not sure. The download gives no clue. Hope it may end up being of some help though.

Hey guys, thanks for the replies much appreciated. The final link above (by DaveWG) produced the goods but all responses are appreciated.

All the best,
