Rippling repaints


Why is it that some repaints appear as if the skin of the aircraft waves in the breeze?
It is most noticable when there are cheat lines on the fusalage, although all insignia
on some repaints display this annoying phenomena. I've tried converting them to different
formats with DXTBmp and DXT3 with no mip maps somtimes makes them more acceptable.

William :wiggle:

It's not a general phenomena ...
Some planes have it .. some not ..
I'm a noob for paint and brushes but me think it's related to the paint layers or with the model itself.
Sure some "Rembrandt" will give a better explaination of this annoying phenomena.
AFAIK it's nothing to do with the level of antialiasing or others graphics filters
Note that this phenomena is far less noticeable when the point of view is near the plane and can also dissapear under some angle of view :)
It sounds like the textures were enlarged beyond clarity possibly. Or, that when you opened them the first time, the textures should have been opened with DXTBMP, then to the editor (photoshop, paint, ms paint or whatever you use) for editing. Then saved via the paint program, and then refreshed in DXTBMP and saved. I hope I make sense.

What I'm trying to say is that each time you open a bmp file and save it as something different than what it was originally, it gets distorted and garbled more and more.
basically what Oleboy said, but you'd be correct in assuming mip maps, at distance and odd angles they look blurred then as you pan they come into view crisp, so in that panning they will appear to ripple till they sort themselves. other times it can be due to the way the model is mapped and the way the textures are read...
Yes it's just as if the separate layers are moving independantly , like ripples in a pond.

Being a frustrated aeromodeller at heart I tend to fly from the tower using flyby and practise circuits and bumps and the effect on one of my favorites...the PT-19A repaint by Cazzie, Spirit of Little Norway drives me nuts!

Perhaps an extra coat of dope will cure it. :icon_lol:

I'd like to thank all the talented painters for their time spent on what can only be described as outstanding repaints.

Off on holiday now for 2 weeks

Best Wishes to you all

William :salute:
Usually this happens when a script or logo is in the textures as an individual texture, not on the main fuse or wing texture. In many instances it involves registration data that may be the same for all aircraft. This is done for resolution, the script is larger in Font size than what is seen on the base texture. I still usually opt for adding such script to my base textures and saving all in 888-8 32-bit format and either deleting the script textures or blacking out their Alpha to make them invisible.
