River barge question.....


Charter Member
..... with the proliferation of replacement ships ( THANKS Stuart , et. al :wavey:) I was wondering if any were done for the ETO. I was watching some films lately and they were of strafing of the Rhine River barge traffic and those appear different than those that have been done for the PTO. Can anyone guide me on this or which one of Stuarts, or others, barges suffice.
Those river barges are sometimes selfpropelled, if not, they are towed with a tug. Mybe you can serch yourself, I looked for "ww2 rhein flussschiff 1940" or "Rhine river barge"

[URL="https://www.alamy.de/fotos-bilder/deutschland-hafen-duisburg.html?blackwhite=1&sortBy=relevant"]Deutschland hafen duisburg Schwarzweiß-Stockfotos und -bilder - Alamy

Fotoreise durch den größten Binnenhafen Europas in Duisburg (waz.de)[/URL]
Die Binnenschiffe – Heimatverein Haren – Ems e.V (heimatverein-haren.de)
Here is a site and top view plan of a more modern ship, but the design over all didn't much change: technik-002.jpg (1536×968) (ddr-binnenschifffahrt.de)
Diverse Binnenschiffe (der-lustige-modellbauer.com)
Altes Binnenschiff | Jordbergkirche
WDR Retro ∙ Hier und heute: Mehr Schiffskollisionen auf dem Rhein? | ARD Mediathek
Rhine river barge 'Helena' - Artitecshop

I Hope those links's work for you


....Thanks for the reply and info. Gives me a idea what to look for. I do remember seeing something like this on the Danube recently, except a lot smaller.:wavey: I guess one could use Stuarts Merchant barges 01 and such and some PSK tugs for the unpowered ones. Will look around for more possibilities for the self-propelled.