I can't remember who did the Max Holste MH 1512 Broussard model...and I'm not sure I have the name of the plane right ever...I know the Broussard part is right. A while back I was putting together a repaint template for the plane...had it nearly done and lost it in a HD glitch. Well, yesterday I started on redoing the template. This time around I am doing something that I normally don't do in my paint templates. Rivets. I usually just go with the most detailed panel lines I can create and go with it. But this time around I thought I would play with doing up some 3D rivets and see what I could come up with that looked good without looking like over sized bumper bolts. I have seen some planes that had rivets so large they looked like they should have been used to build the Titanic. I am actually pretty happy with the rivets I came up with. They look 3D without looking too large. Not sure how well you will be able to see them in the pics...but here are two screen shots of the upper wings showing the new panel lines (which are as close to the real panel lines as I could get them to be) and the rivets. Still have a way to go before this template is done...and I'm not spending a great deal of time flying, tweaking or painting at the moment....so don't expect to see me uploading new paints for the Broussard anytime soon.