Road traffic for FS9: your thoughts?


Charter Member
I love my FS9 setup. However, if there is one item from FSX, i would include, if I had a majic wand, it would be some road traffic. Perhaps some of you feel that it is not a big deal, and I read somewhere that FS9 is not really configured for displaying road traffic, but nevertheless, it would add to my sense of realism.

I know that there are a few payware a a few freeware scenaries that include road traffic for FS9. Does anyone know if there is a payware/freeware that would include road traffic animations for most of the United States?

Thank you,
I too am very happy with FS9 but if there was moving road and freeway traffic I would marry FS!:costumes:
I would like to know also about any road traffic,mainly Southern California.
I am afraid there isnt any. It would be a huge undertaking. It would be pretty awesome though.

I think it was FS2002 that had moving lights on roads at night. That was pretty cool. If they could at least do road overlays, you could have moving headlights at night.

But for day time car objects, I know of no way.

I would like to know how Obix does their cars that drive around the airfields. Those things are brilliant!

There are a few sceneries that use cars driving though on every road I don't think there is anything available for daytime.

At night doesn't Ultimate Terrain provide animated lights?
i remember seeing animated lights in the VOZ australia packs....but it was just orange balls moving around the road...looks too uniform to be traffic....but sorta cool when you first saw it.

yeah, road traffic helps a lot with scale. I just did a left downwind into 15L in the FlightZone portland scenery; flying over a semi-truck driving along the totally added a lot of scale/height
