Rob Richardsons Hawker Sea Hawk


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Hi All, I have downloaded several of Robert's aircraft (thay are very good) both for FSX and MSFS 2020. They all work just fine. However I cannot get his Hawker Sea Hawk to install in MSFS2020. It did in FSX. I have it in the community folder, but it appears in the content manager as "not installed" and does not appear in the aircraft selection. I can tell from the comments on the aircraft that other folk have loaded it OK, so it's probably something I am doing??
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Will.
Have you got the MSFS native version from Rob, or are you trying to port over the FSX version?
Hi Will,

You might want to look if you don't have the "folder in a folder" syndrome. With that I mean that, after unzipping, there's a folder with the exact same name as the one you just unzipped inside that folder. Just move that folder to the community folder, et voilà!


Sea Hawk

Hi Priller, thank you for your reply. Yes I have tried that theory, and as you say there is two folders within the unzipped folder. One is the same as the original, and the other is "sea hawk by Robert Richardson" I have tried putting all three into the community folder both together and singely, still will not install?? Will.

Can you let us know where you got the Seahawk from so that we can check?


sea hawk

Hi Guys, firstly thank you for taking an interest in this topic. Just looked again and if by some magic the Sea Hawk has appeared in aircraft selection. there are some things in MSFS I will never understand!! i suspect I am not alone. Thank you Will.