Robert Bruce's Brisfit


Charter Member 2016
I've been searching for Robert Bruce's Bristol F.2B Fighter - the "Brisfit" - for a while now - with no success. The FS9 version seems to have disappeared from the face of the internet. The FSX version is easy to find - but being a native model, it can't be re-back-ported - so I need the original FS9 version if I'm to have it, and that is nowhere to be found. If anyone knows where it is hiding so that I may download it or is willing to share the files with me, that would make me rather happy. Thank you.
Cazzie uploaded a copy to mega-upload..right before the FBI closed the site down, he might still have copy.

I'm still recovering stuff after my last HD crash onto my new machine :(


I have Mr. Robert Bruce's Bristol Fighter F.2B Mk.1 V1.0 for FS2004. I could zip up a copy and send to you EMatheson.
Thanks to the efforts of one of our members, I've now got a working copy of the Brisfit on my computer. I wonder if it would be a bad thing to upload to avsim or SOH to replace the files that have wandered off?
Thanks to the efforts of one of our members, I've now got a working copy of the Brisfit on my computer. I wonder if it would be a bad thing to upload to avsim or SOH to replace the files that have wandered off?

If the ReadMe has a "Legal" section you might find some guidance there.

Lacking that, I see no harm in uploading to a site where you know the modeler put it himself, such as AvSim before the hack devastated their library. Or here, if it was
put here before by modeler or with his acquiescence.

I dunno about putting it anywhere it hasn't been before without permission, unless there's something in the ReadMe, or absent from it, that would give reason to believe the modeler would be OK with it.
Robert Bruce was a member here before his death, though I'm not sure if he ever uploaded here. Both versions were uploaded to and avsim, but they both have had database issues at least once since then... Avsim had the hack and i believe they have both had at least one hard disk failure since then as well.
Robert Bruce was a member here before his death, though I'm not sure if he ever uploaded here. Both versions were uploaded to and avsim, but they both have had database issues at least once since then... Avsim had the hack and i believe they have both had at least one hard disk failure since then as well.

Well it's been nearly 8 years since his last blog entry, with no contact from Robby88 (his user name here); and firmly in the missing presumed deceased category.

I don't think there would be many objections here to an upload. Check with Rami and Ickie first.
It would be a fitting legacy.


Well it's been nearly 8 years since his last blog entry, with no contact from Robby88 (his user name here); and firmly in the missing presumed deceased category.

I don't think there would be many objections here to an upload. Check with Rami and Ickie first.
It would be a fitting legacy.



I agree. If he's known to be deceased, he can't have any objections. That goes double if he was a member here.

I can say that when I've gone west I won't mind what anyone does with the stuff I've uploaded - I put it up for people to have, and that's what's being proposed here. My thought is that once we're gone our stuff becomes abandonware and is generally available, unless something like redistribution on specific sites was prohibited in the documentation.

Payware would be different, since there's money involved and most dead people have heirs and estates that would have a claim on a product and any income it might generate. With freeware there's nothing at stake.