Rocket/Catapult assist (but don't get your hopes up)


Charter Member
I've come across an interesting little feature we may be able to use for rocket or catapult assisted takeoff. To experiment, pick an airplane that has a bomb loadout and modify the xdp of the bomb it carries as follows:

Find the "drag" value and give it a value of -20 or so (feel free to experiment with different numbers - so long as it is a negative value). Delete the bomb's bdp and go fly your airplane. Note how your speed increases. Then drop the bomb, note how your airplane returns to its normal performance. It may not end up being suitable, because it is a drag property and so its effect increases exponentially with speed but has no effect at all when you are stopped on the ground - the very time you need it. Anyway, just thought I'd share this little tidbit, maybe someone will find a good use for it someday.
Hi Gecko, you seem to have found yet another great idea. What if the bomb was given negative weight? Would that help overcome the resistance/inertia at low speeds?
Mathias did a catapult effect in CFS2 for the GC Swordfish, which consisted of limited but ridiculously powerful engine boost...
It already exists, the file I have on my HD is "". I don't know if it is still around in the library.

The Readme says:

CREDITS; Thanks to Bill (Spitfrnd) Wilson for the aircraft.
Thanks to Sim-Outhouse for hosting these files.
Thanks to JAYCEE for the ratos,sound,and effects.
Thanks to SLIP STREAM for the effects,and config.file modifications.
Thanks to the unknowen skin painter.

1 start both engines about 20 seconds after the second engine starts the ratos
start automaticly
2 drop the flaps to the 1st notch hold the rudder all the way to the right,
release the brakes.
3 move the throttle foward useing the rudder and brakes to keep the plane centered
on the runway.this plane has torque and will pull to the left.
4 about 45-50 mph. hit the WEP button.this is a powerfull wep.and the plane will
pull to the left and accelerate quickly.
5 as soon as the wheels leave the ground,raise the gear,raise the flaps,activate
auto trim.the gear is slow to rise one at a time.
6 as soon as the gear is up pull hard on the stick and gain as much altitude
as possible.
7 when the RATO sound ends,around 30 seconds.or you hit 290mph.stop the WEP.
"WARNING" DO NOT leave the WEP on. you only have about 98 seconds of use
theres enough for a little extra time so you don't blow the engines.
DON'T use it after that,or you will blow them!!!
8 the RATOS are set up as (DROP TANKS) hit "W" or what you have set up to release them.
they donot have parachutes at the moment.
9 remmember to reset trim every altitude you fly at.