Rockwell Commander 685 for FS9

Milton Shupe

Staff Contributor
Staff member
Just communicated with Rotohub this morning. Looks we should be able to get a beta test going on the 685 next week some time if all goes to plan.

Here is one of the 5 liveries available.

Background: Rotohub designed this model using A3D.
I volunteered to convert it to gmax, animate it, and build the interior and VC, do the panel and gauges and the flight model.
Since that was completed, he has done all the texturing work inside and outside.
He is running the FSX side of things so we should have the bases covered.

She is a nice hand flyer of course as you would expect from the Commander series.

Thanks to Rotohub for allowing my involvement and for this beautiful model.
Ok, so I decided I was going to start a world tour with the 500 before coming here, then I find the Mallard, now the 685 jumps into the "what will I fly?" equation as well! Getting a headache! :dizzy:
Looking great! :applause:
Love the look of the insides!
Great project, Milton.

Thank you Sir; pics are a bit dated but you get a sense of it. :)

Ok, so I decided I was going to start a world tour with the 500 before coming here, then I find the Mallard, now the 685 jumps into the "what will I fly?" equation as well! Getting a headache! :dizzy:
Looking great! :applause:

All great choices IMO; great hand-flyers, similar cruise speeds, and maybe a mixture of the three would work well especially if you wish to stop along the way in search of good fishing spots. :)
Sure is a handsome bird, the 685. Very clean distinct lines... not a wrinkle or a misplaced crease anywhere on that airframe. I have always liked that design and the Rockwell Commander series.

Sure is a handsome bird, the 685. Very clean distinct lines... not a wrinkle or a misplaced crease anywhere on that airframe. I have always liked that design and the Rockwell Commander series.


Thank you Tom. Rotohub did an outstanding job on this model.
looks swett...does this replace the one you already had??

Not sure I understand the question Darren.

Rotohub and I have been working on this 685 since last January, he much longer.

It doesn't replace any of my Aero Commanders. This is an all new Rockwell Commander modeled by Rotohub.
I was honored to do the interior, VC, panel and gauge setup, and flight model.

We are preparing for a beta test for FS9 and an FSX port over as we speak.
The package will have 6 liveries and a paint kit.
Hopefully we will have a release package next weekend.
Love it! The entire series is great for island hopping and this will add to the fun, so thanks to you and Rotohub for all of the work put into this bird. Also, thanks for the previews. :)
Commander 685

Thumbs up for Milton and his capacity and knowledge!

This project is flying thanks to Milton and his efforts. His FSX portover works great as well. The flight dynamics are excellent, and a joy to fly. I am trying to learn GMAX to make a native FSX model for this package, but I am not there with the animations, materials and texture mappings. I use AC3D and it is a totally different "language" then GMAX :)

The FS9 and FSX beta packages are ready. I will be sending PM's to some of you who I know will thoroughly test all systems, flight model, and do visual checks and report back.

If there are others who have the time and will commit to thorough testing and reporting back by the weekend, please PM me.
Thanks to everyone who contributed in the 1st beta test. All changes but one are done.

I was not happy with the nose up attitude on a slow approach if you got below recommended deployment gear and flap speeds. I worked on this for a while but had to call in the Big Gun for help; Tom Falley is looking at it now. :)

The Commander wings are built for speed and low drag, not much wing incidence, and very fuel efficient.
That means faster deployment and landing speeds, something you may not be used to in my typically fowler-flapped aircraft. :)

Hopefully we can get this sorted out this week.
Interesting results + yes over the weekend I too have been comparing the AC with the Lodestar ..
Update: Rotohub is making the final changes to the documentation Flight Manual. After I receive that, I will package her up, FS9 and FSX port over separately.

So, hopefully she'll be out by the weekend.

Will include a base white paint for you texture artists.