Roland, death by a thousand cuts.



See it here, in glorious technicolour!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

And in case the imbed doesn't work again...
So did you finally meet this guy in your campaign or was this QC? I noticed you went a LONG time between checks of your 6, like you didn't think anybody else was there ;).
It was a QC, testing the gunner on rookie mode. Now, if we could have a random in campaign like we have in QC maybe the occasional Daniel Boone wouldn't cause such a fuss. "He's a bit lively, I think I'll give him a miss, there'll be a rookie along shortly." :)

Variety is the spice of life. :)
Wow! That music really fitted the feeling of the darkness in the rain storm, and the attack, what was it?

Nice work, Siggi :applause:
Now set it to "Ace". We'll look for a much shorter clip this

Really nicely done!!! Well worth a look!


Ta. :)

He was an ace, just he knew who he was up against and was rendered incompetant by mortal terror.:applause:

The music is from the movie 'The Thin Red Line'.
Siggi, one other question... not meant in a demeaning way for your Ace status, but, were you set to unlimited ammo? I always try to get in close and shoot short bursts, but it seems like I always run out of ammo really quickly.

Again, excellent choice of music, one of the best I have heard in players self made videos. :applause:
Siggi, one other question... not meant in a demeaning way for your Ace status, but, were you set to unlimited ammo? I always try to get in close and shoot short bursts, but it seems like I always run out of ammo really quickly.

Again, excellent choice of music, one of the best I have heard in players self made videos. :applause:

Unlimited ammo? Deary me. Patooey! :icon_lol: At the end of the clip, on my last firing pass, you can hear the click of the pin on the empty breech as I run out. I think the pilot (and gunner) were already dead a few passes earlier so I probably could have saved some.

The clip could have been better, adding the music was an after-thought and the quality of the vid wasn't really worthy of it. But as there's no recording/playback function in the game itself there's little chance of making an epic anyway, so what the hell.
great flying and manoeuvering - I'd hardly dare to approach a solid "Walfisch" in a little Pup. You must have been shooting well - I think, the gunner was dead or badly wounded after a third of the vid? And, yes, the music fits the dramatic dark scene.
I have made two films now, but they are some 350.000 of size. Must I compress them in any way?

I'm glad you're enjoying this now; and I'm sure, the devs will work off all the faults we find, one after the other.

Have fun. Olham
great flying and manoeuvering - I'd hardly dare to approach a solid "Walfisch" in a little Pup. You must have been shooting well - I think, the gunner was dead or badly wounded after a third of the vid? And, yes, the music fits the dramatic dark scene.
I have made two films now, but they are some 350.000 of size. Must I compress them in any way?

I'm glad you're enjoying this now; and I'm sure, the devs will work off all the faults we find, one after the other.

Have fun. Olham

Your best bet is to run your footage through Windows Movie Maker (you should have it by default in XP SP2 and Vista), it's a very simple program (when it's not locking up and/or crashing) and you can save the output in a variety of formats. The one in this thread was made from four FRAPS files, each of around 4gb, and came out of Movie Maker at 54mb. :)
Thanks a lot, Siggi, I'll try.
One question, I was wondering about, seeing your name and avatar:
how comes, you call yourself Siggi? Sounds very German (short form of Siegfried, you know?) While your picture, it looks much more like an English Captain. Just curious.
Thanks a lot, Siggi, I'll try.
One question, I was wondering about, seeing your name and avatar:
how comes, you call yourself Siggi? Sounds very German (short form of Siegfried, you know?) While your picture, it looks much more like an English Captain. Just curious.

My given name is Sigrun (Icelandic mother), but born and bred in the UK.
Unlimited ammo? Deary me. Patooey! :icon_lol: At the end of the clip, on my last firing pass, you can hear the click of the pin on the empty breech as I run out. I think the pilot (and gunner) were already dead a few passes earlier so I probably could have saved some.

The clip could have been better, adding the music was an after-thought and the quality of the vid wasn't really worthy of it. But as there's no recording/playback function in the game itself there's little chance of making an epic anyway, so what the hell.

Sorry, I didn't think you would sink that low. :173go1:

I think the clip was very good too, it's really hard to get smooth paning in a video while flying but your's came out very well and you caught the best moments.