Rolls Royce Aviation Heritage awards 2010 Contenders.


Charter Member
Hi Guys,

The 2010 National Championship air races are about to begin at Reno Nevada.
One of the supporting events is the judging and presentation of the Rolls Royce Heritage trophy.
The contenders for the trophy are some of the finest restored classic aircraft in the world.
All have to be built at least forty five years ago.

Here are the contenders for 2010.
There are a few well known flight sim favorites among this years contenders.

Part 1

Part 2

Thanks for posting that. . .a great look at some beautifully restored classics. Wish I could be there to see them in person.:salute:
Thanks for that...I'm a sucker for a Corsair, and that one's a beaut!
And isn't that Invader Biz, er, Bomber, the wildest custom plane of the year?
A fine collection of planes! :salute: Wonder if I could send in an absentee ballot for the Tigercat? :jump:
Glad that you enjoyed them guys.
Any one of them would be a deserving winner.

Wing_Z, if you want your own board room bomber like that lovely A-26 Invader conversion here are a couple of beauties.
You may well be aware of these but if not both are well worth a look and certainly take GA to a very interesting level.
Both are variations of the great SOH a-26 project.
Bomber_12TH did a beautiful Onmark Marksman version of the A26.
File name is here in the SOH library.
Real Old Salt did an equally lovely long nose LAS 26 version file name also here in the SOH library.
SteveB also did some great paints for ROS's LAS26. (bare metal British civil register) (bare metal US civil register) (US artic scheme) (blue and silver Air America scheme) (USAF bare metal) (USAF VIP scheme).
Someone , I think it was SteveB also did the CIA's "Blue Goose" paint but I cannont find that one here now.
I just checked and all the files above are working.
