Roosevelt Roads NAS sceneryFS9

I bought AlphaSim's Roosevelt Roads some years ago when it first came out. I don't know if it's still available or if free or not. I'm not aware of other RR scenery, but then I haven't been looking. RR does have AI aircraft in the area, mostly shooting touch and goes. I usually reduce traffic volume since it's impossible to land without a couple of go arounds because of traffic.

I have been using since 2008. It's the best I've found (I have not seen the AlphaSim). You'll need some additional libraries; the attached ReadMe explains.

Naval Station Roosevelt Roads (Oftsie Field)
By Jim Donlin

Excltjnr.bgl - Exclude file for airfield
RWY12_tjnr.bgl - Addon scenery for airfield
Tjnr_diagram.jpg - Airport / Taxiway diagram (not real)
Tjnr_mil_bcn.bgl - Beacon file
AF2_TJNR.bgl - CORRECTED AFCAD file based on GOOGLE EARTH measurements; taxiway id's may not be correct.

Copy the above files to your <FS9>\Addon Scenery\Scenery folder

Required RWY12 Libraries
Objects01_lib By S.Legg
dwag_hangers By Dennis Waggoner
dwag_objects By Dennis Waggoner

AFCAD Parking
1 Unknown
5 MIL Cargo
23 MIL Combat (Navy)

DISCLAIMER: None of these files is destructive in nature. If you think something broke, just delete them.

Enjoy the scenery!

Jim Donlin
email address removed by staff

I fly Ito's P5M-2 Marlin as AI between Roosy Roads' harbor and NS San Juan's bay; also fly Jaap de Baare / Bob Chicilo's P2V-7 between NS San Juan (TJIG) and Roosy as AI. Add CalClassic's '50s military AI and you've got yourself a helluva '50s-'60s scene (with a fabulous liberty port at one end!) :icon_lol:

- H52
Thanks hawkeye52,I will try this out,I can't find the so callled AlphasimFS9 version,but I know they made one for FSX.If anybody knows where to get the Alphsim FS9 scenery link me please.:icon_lol:
Thanks hawkeye52,I will try this out,I can't find the so callled AlphasimFS9 version,but I know they made one for FSX.If anybody knows where to get the Alphsim FS9 scenery link me please.:icon_lol:

Here is the link to Alphasim's free sceneries.

I have the Roosevelt Roads scenery from when it was payware, but I don't see it listed, so perhaps the original author has not authorized it's release?