"Rooster Tail" Contrails


Charter Member
Some of you may have seen contrails that touch the ground and move along as they trail the aircraft way above. Last summer a chap posted on fsworld some Tweaks & Tips and one of them was how to do away with what I have come to call "Rooster Tail" contrails.

His fix: "When you added a new plane, especially if it had its own self-extracting .exe program, it probably had written over one or both of the default fx_contrail files in the effects folder.
Go to the Effects folder and look to see if the dates for the fx_contrail_l.fx and fx_contrail_s.fx
files are at least 2003. When I did this, I noticed that one of them (can't remember) was 2001. So, I went back to the installation disk (disk 1), and copied and pasted the fx_contrail files back to the Effects folder in FS9."

You CANNOT find those two files on disk 1 or 2, 3 or 4. Essentially everything on those discs is in .exe format and unless you make another FS9 install, you cannot access individual files.

Short of doing that, WHERE or HOW can I get the bloody fx_contrail_l.fx and fx_contrail_s.fx ??? :banghead:

Also, as a side advise, you can download on Simviation.com an alternative contrail that is much longer than the default one. It's 50 miles long, if I remember correctly, and that make your high altitude AI look much better :)
EDIT: here => http://www.simviation.com/fs2004misc1.htm
I have simply replaced the original contrail fx file.
There was a point where I was restoring files from the CD's once or twice every month back when many FS9 addons still contained friles from FS2002. So I copied all the cabs from the CD's onto an external drive. I also found a spreadsheed on AvSim from Brian Collins that contained every single filename and where to locate them on the CD's. At the time, I had access to Adobe Acrobat through work, so I did a conversion. I'm attaching that here.

Link to original file: