Rotate/elevate guns in CFS3...any help will be great



Dear Flight Simmers,

As you can see in CFS3 control mode, there are no assigned control keys to the elevate/rotate guns command. Well,manually as you know you cannot assign new ones to the CFS3 set up. Everytime when I'm running a new control mode and I assign certain keyboard comannd to rotate/elevete, they are not running. I simply cannot rotate/elevate guns in every bomber, wheter is that Mitchell, Marauder, Fortress, Liberator, Lancaster...etc. It's cool to be concentrated on flying and let the computer shoots the bandits, but firing to them manually it's also good. Any help will be appreciated...Maybe this topic was already forgive me If I'm writing about something that is known for ages...


Dear Flight Simmers,

As you can see in CFS3 control mode, there are no assigned control keys to the elevate/rotate guns command. Well,manually as you know you cannot assign new ones to the CFS3 set up. Everytime when I'm running a new control mode and I assign certain keyboard comannd to rotate/elevete, they are not running. I simply cannot rotate/elevate guns in every bomber, wheter is that Mitchell, Marauder, Fortress, Liberator, Lancaster...etc. It's cool to be concentrated on flying and let the computer shoots the bandits, but firing to them manually it's also good. Any help will be appreciated...Maybe this topic was already forgive me If I'm writing about something that is known for ages...



:kilroy:Peter517, you sure can, but only with a joystick. You can't do it with a keyboard. Pressing F8 cycles the gunner positions. F3 gives the view from inside the gun position. F3 again gives the view outside again. F4 still gives the various external views. The joystick controls the rotation and elevation of the guns. If you don't have a joystick you need to get one. Those control assigments work best when applied the joystick anyway. I hope this helps. Good luck.:d
I once tried to assign gun rotation to my rudder pedal. It worked but was really difficult to manage !
Was it the way it worked (for instance for ball turret) ?
I once tried to assign gun rotation to my rudder pedal. It worked but was really difficult to manage !
Was it the way it worked (for instance for ball turret) ?

Did the same thing but found out that the footrests in the ball turret were just that. The turret was controlled by two grip 'joysticks', one for elevation one for rotation. So I changed the assignments back. But it proved that you can change the joystick assignments.

Peter, if you want to try, open the .xca file in Notepad, look for the proper control assigments and change them as desired. Save, close and see if it works ingame...
The file can be found in YourDrive:\Documents and Settings\your name\Application Data\Microsoft\Combat Flight Simulator 3.0\yourprofile.xca. The Application Data folder might be a hidden one so unhide it first.
This is a major problem with drive-able vehicles. Essentially, you can either drive or you can shoot. But you can't drive while rotating the turret. Very annoying.
But it proved that you can change the joystick assignments.

I guess you can assign the commands to any axis you want (eg the rudder pedal), but not to any key, neither mouse.
It's a shame as it is sooooo easy to shoot with the mouse ! (I agree this is not realistic ...)
I was wondering about this (or at least something similar) the other day - if someone actually made a P-61, how would the turret be controlled? In reality, it could either be locked forward and fired by the pilot, or aimed remotely and fired by any crew member.

Any thoughts on whether or how that could be made to work?
The P-61A's that had turrets had them locked forward. The pilot could then select to have just cannons, just machine guns, or have all guns. The rest of the P-61A's didn't have turrets so no worries there. The P-61B had the buffeting problems worked out so the turret could be operated by the co-pilot or the radar operator. I would personally suggest having the machine guns for the P-61A be a payload like on the Firepower nightfighters.