Rotating propeller is black, how to solve


Charter Member 2015
In CFS3 I have 2 italian aircrafts (mc2002 sq 85 and mc202 sq 73), both are displayed with a black rotating propeller.

Texture problems?

How to solve?

Thanks in advance
hi Emile,on page 4 of cfs3 other downloads,here at SOH,either "" or "" will have the textures you need.
Propeller Problems.

If you are still having problems after downloading the ""

There is one more step. gosd had a reply on this one and there was one prior to your hacking incident.

Download the AVRO_Manchester from SOH and copy from the texture folder the following two dds files and paste in the "I4_shared .zip. and
Usually the problem is either a missing prop texture file or a duplicate prop texture file that you downloaded with a new aircraft. Open the aircraft .m3d file and findout which prop file that aircraft uses. Then do a cfs3 main folder search for a file with the same name. Typically you will have duplicates in two separate aircraft folders.

hi Emile,on page 4 of cfs3 other downloads,here at SOH,either "" or "" will have the textures you need.

Thanks to all of you .
i4_shared in the aircraft folder did solve the problem.

My error : I did place this i4_shared in the Share folder of CFS3.
