RTW 2015 Practice 1


Staff member
Not sure if there will be a RTW Race this year, or, if there is, if SOH can field a team. Interest seems rather low, even for us, lol. However, in the spirit of things, and to gauge interest, here is RTW 2015 Team SOH Practice 1.


Standard RTW duenna, realism, weather, and leg reporting rules apply.

Aircraft: Anything goes.

3. S
tart/Stop airport: HKJK (Nairobi, Kenya)

Leg length: Max 700 NM in length, unless there is no airport in the “general direction” within that distance, in which case go as far as you need to get to an airport. For example, if we're going east, and you're at PHTO in Hawaii...

5. Leg Time Limit: None

Ready, set, pick a direction, go...
I have the baton. HKJK - HCMM, Robert Richardson Gloster Meteor PR Mk 10 (FSX)
And to keep it simple, I'll also head for HCMM (which strangely isn't shown in SkyVector, but is certainly there in FSX).
Sure is dark. Haven't flown in the dark in a while. I should probably quit taking pictures and start concentrate on the landing bit. 30 minutes out.
Yep, Africa is real dark! I'm hoping this airport you've picked has a lit runway!!

10 minutes out myself.


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And wingman down safe too.




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Sod it,frozen again,at about the same point!Might it be Jeppesen updating the Wx?
baton back at HCMI anyway! :banghead: :banghead:

It could be a failure of the Jeppesen to update. One easy way to find out is to turn off the real weather settings and fly the route again. If you make it without crashing then it's Jeppesen, if you crash again it could mean you may have a corrupted scenary file for that area.