RTWR 2012: White List Update


Charter Member
RTWR 2012 White List Update
February 8, 2012

The deadline has passed and the Committee has considered new submissions for the White List of aircraft that will be eligible for the RTWR 2012. We also clarify the usage of an older FS9 model and a newer FS9 turboprop.

We shall be happy to answer questions about what is now likely to be the finalized White List. Please let us know about issues as they come up. It is better to examine marginal matters now, before the race, than during the rush of events.

The Wilco Avanti II (FS9- and FSX-native)
Wilco Publishing Payware
Two confirmatory flight tests.
Vne=260, Mmo=0.70, Max MP (NA), Test Platform FSX
Maximum Speed at 40,000 is between 397 KTAS and 410 KTAS. This speed is limited by the aircraft's Mmo (max_mach) parameter. The two testers obtained slightly different results when running at slightly below and slightly more above the Mmo=0.70 (at M=0.693 and M=0.720). The slower speed seems a better representation of usable speed.
Range at the tested speed is 1074nm.

This new aircraft model seems to be a reasonable complement to the two FS9 Avanti packages, with just about the same speed parameters. It offers an FSX-native model and a native "glass-cockpit."


The First Class Simulations Hawker Tempest Mk.V (FSX)
First Class Simulations Payware
One test report.
Vne=400, Mmo=NONE, Max_Mp 64, Test Platform (FSX)
Maximum Speed at 25,000 Critical Altitude is 381 KTAS.
Range at tested speed is 550nm.

This new model provides another option among the FSX-native warbirds. Its speed puts it at the lower ranges of competitive aircraft and its range is marginal. But it does provide a high quality British option for pilots who are not consumed by speed or range. We would like to have had more than one test to confirm the results, but judge the speed as tested by a veteran member of the community to be well below the range of providing an unfair competitive advantage.


Hawker Sea Fury FB.11 (FS9)
Dave Hanvey with update v2.3 by Peter Forster
Freeware available at FlightSim.com.

and fs2004_seafury_upgrade_v2301.zip)
The required update is dated February 2010.

There is some question about whether the "external tanks" version is legal. (Activating the external tanks version requires editing out a "//" comment in the aircraft.cfg [fuel] section to enable the tanks. It also requires editing the airfile reference to the only existing airfile: "sim=seafury".)

This model is a very competitive aircraft which, with the external tanks, puts it at the top rank of our "normal racing" aircraft. These manipulations of the aircraft.cfg are well within the standards set in previous years when it comes to authors' using the same aircraft.cfg to represent both clean and tanks-laden aircraft. (More modern technology may produce better models, but this was good practice for most of the last decade.) We note that the external tanks are properly modeled in the visual representation of the aircraft.

Approved as implied in the current White List.

PAD Dornier Do 328T Turboprop (FS9-Native and FSX-Compatible)
Premier Aircraft Design
Freeware available here http://www.premaircraft.com/do328/index.html

We respond to an inquiry asking whether this aircraft was eligible in the "Under 350 KTAS" category because its top speed is at 350 KTAS. Our testing confirms the team's data within a margin of measurement error. While the aircraft might or might not strictly fall under the "no testing required" category, it is certainly eligible for the race. Note that this is the Do 328T, a turboprop, not the Do 328 JET.

Hey All,

MM was the issue of the Aerosim commercial jets discussed? In particular the Aerosim DC-10.

I will repeat what I posted elsewhere.

I can tell you now that the Aerosim models are not off the wall stuff - they are very good only made and apparently generally sold for the Japanese domestic market although anybody can buy one if you find the website. Don't assume the model bad. What do they want to know? I would fly the DC-10 - 30. I already know it's max is at mach 0.899 at 527 KTAS (or GS if no wind) at 31,000 - IAS right close to 350 as indicated in the reference section. It does overspeed at 350 IAS or a mach too high (limit is 0.91). It is not overly complex at all. I bought this aircraft years ago as part of a package with the L1011. I just know they make a DC-8. Why would the DC-10 I have not be legal?


Here is the reference section from the aircraft cfg again

[Reference Speeds]

Aerosim website is here:



Yes, Aerosim now appears in the list of modelers that qualify for the "Sponsored Jets" category. Aerosim has a large following in the transport jet segment of the hobby, especially in Japan. We have no reason to doubt that its aircraft fit into the proper flight envelopes. However, please understand that we cannot test these payware planes and must rely on the community for information about any aircraft being unsuitable. If anyone has an objection to Aerosim aircraft, please inform the Committee right away.

--M (for the Committee)