Any Team Member from any of the previous or current RTWR Team may join in on this Practice.
We will be using our TS3 server
and our FS Host Server Port 23456
Jump in grab the baton and get your feet wet.
Practice Aims
Required Airports
We will be using our TS3 server
and our FS Host Server Port 23456
Jump in grab the baton and get your feet wet.
Practice Aims
Practice 2 will begin at 00:01 UTC on January 27th. This practice is intended to improve our ability to fly a variety of different aircraft.
All legs must be flown online on the SOH MP server and TeamSpeak 3 must be used unless there are valid reasons why a pilot cannot do either of the above. This is to test for any connectivity issues before the race.
All legs must be flown online on the SOH MP server and TeamSpeak 3 must be used unless there are valid reasons why a pilot cannot do either of the above. This is to test for any connectivity issues before the race.
The practice will start and end at Corpus Christi NAS (KNGP) and will proceed in a clockwise direction around the coastlines of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. From Florida to Venezuela pilots must hop down the island chain. Pilots must launch to the island chain from West Palm Beach International (KPBI) and arrive on the South American coastline at Gen Jose Francisco Bermudez airport in Carupano, Venezuela (SVCP).
Legs are restricted to 250 Nm maximum length. All airports must be within 20 miles of the coast and aircraft are restricted to flying no more than 20 Nm inland at any point nor flying more than 20 Nm out to sea, with the exception of the eastern island chain. If airports are on opposite sides of a peninsular and more than 40 miles apart (in a straight line across the peninsular) then you must follow the coastline to fly from 'Airport A' to 'Airport B'.
There are no wildcards or bonus airports.
Required Airports
Any race legal aircraft are permitted including the FS9/X defaults and are classified as 'piston prop', 'turbo-prop' or 'jet' according to engine type. Piston powered aircraft must achieve critical altitude for that aircraft (as specified in the aircraft.cfg file) at some point on the leg.
Helicopters are allowed and will be classified according to their engine type i.e. piston powered or jet although piston powered helicopters will not have to achieve the critical altitude requirement.
To add diversity to the practice no pilot may fly the same 'class' of aircraft for two consecutive personal legs (i.e. If a pilot flies a piston prop on their first leg then he/she must fly a turbo-prop or jet for their next leg). The same 'class' of aircraft can be flown on consecutive legs if they are flown by different pilots (i.e. If 'Pilot A' flies a piston prop from 'Airport X' to 'Airport Y' then Pilot B can fly a piston prop from 'Airport Y' to 'Airport Z' provided that (a) it is their first leg in the practice, or (b) their previously flown leg was in either a turbo-prop or jet).
If no other pilots are available to advance the baton after 15 minutes of 'baton idle' time then the previous baton holder may fly another leg. The 'diversity' rule above still applies in this case so the pilot would need to change to a different 'class' of aircraft for their second consecutive leg.
It is the pilot's responsibility to keep track of what classes they have flown and when. If a pilot does fly two consecutive personal legs in the same 'class' of aircraft then the leg will be declared invalid and the baton will return to the last valid airport.