RTWR 2014 Practice #7 "Ivan Goes Home"


Staff member
After a short vacation at his villa in Ibiza Ivan needs to return home but decides to do so by visiting most of the remaining countries that make up the European Union in order to promote his business interests.

Depart Ibiza, Spain (LEIB) and fly to Orenberg East, Russia (UWOO) with at least one stop in each of the following countries (listed in alphabetical order but you can fly to them in any order):

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, mainland Greece, Hungary, mainland Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

(I will change the colour from red to black as each country is visited so that we know which countries remain.)

Standard RTWR rules apply. More info here: http://www.fsrtwrace.com/about.php
TS3 Server: http://www.sim-outhouse.net/forum/showthread.php?t=40
FS Host Server Port 23456: http://www.sim-outhouse.net/forum/showthread.php?t=8

Maximum length of any leg is 250nm.

Minimum leg length is >50nm

International flights must be via commercial carrier in a twin-, tri, or four-engine jet or piston transport with a MTOW > 50,000lbs. Minimum distance for these legs is 100nm.

All other flights may be in a "Normal Race Aircraft" as described in the RTWR Rules.

Ivan does not like helicopters and will not use them.

Maximum Leg time - 1.0 hrs drop dead, exceeding 1.0 hrs invalidates leg.

Make sure you are flying in 'real time' and 'real weather'.

Pilots may fly consecutive legs if the baton has been idle for at least 30 minutes (based on post time).

NOTE: Pay special attention to your routing in order to comply with the practice requirements! Posting of suggested routes is not allowed, this is a test of individual pilot planning with regard to legs and the problems of routing.
France is not on the list, but it's on the way to lots of other places that are...

I have the baton, LEIB to LFMP, B727-200 FSND/Lufthansa.
wing down at LFMP

Almost within the hour. time diff. from Duenna to get over and post and have forum read the clock.
Hey All,

Good thing I didn't jump in on that first flight - I'd have gone to Africa - thinking Italy then Greece and work north and ride the jetstream to the end. Looks like we are expecting a jet based event. I'll see if I can still fly the trident before jumping in later today. -Ed-
I'd have gone to Africa - thinking Italy then Greece and work north and ride the jetstream to the end.

The straightest route might have been an island hop to Italy via Minorca (Spanish island) and Sardinia (Italian island).
Hey All, Probably right larry I was just looking at a world map not plotting any specific distances. -Ed-
hmmpfff ....

LOL...maybe Switzerland is boycotting the EU!
being such a small 'island', surrounded by the 'big sea' of our EU neighbors, we cannot afford that! And wouldn't want to do such stupid things ;-)

Maybe Ivan has more 'sensitive' reasons for avoiding Swiss Customs...

Well well, Ivan is obviously a not very clever oligarchic guy who just doesn't seem to know how to use 'proper procedures' to 'evade such cliffs'.
He would better consider to hire locals who would know!

But so what, in this case, I might finally send the "Heinzelmännchens" of the Swissair technic group home for some sleep. They had quite a time to do some final preparations on the latest ship of the 'fleet'. *points to attached pictures and goes to bed*
Looks like Greece is where we are headed. Have baton from LIRP to LIBP in the simTECH Do 335.