Rudder Pedals


Charter Member
Time to replace the CH Products Rudder pedals, looking for suggestions. Running Windows 11 if that makes any difference ... budget open at this point.
Time to replace the CH Products Rudder pedals, looking for suggestions. Running Windows 11 if that makes any difference ... budget open at this point.

I use Virpil and if you have money for this, don't think too long. You won't find better on the market. I was using many, some was good, some was ok, but they are the best.
I have this version: . Virpil opened the store in USA too some time ago. I didnt test Thrustmaster TPR howevere I prefer to have the whole foot on the pedal (much better for brakes fore example and tilt operation according me, you feel better the force on both legs), its is much better for helicopters and classic birds (Bf, FW style ;) ) but I think that TPR is also a good choice, although I prefer to have my foot on the rudder differently.
I have nothing but good things to say about my VKB T Rudder pedals. All metal, adjustable, incredibly smooth and precise. No toe brakes, they are closer to anti torque pedals you would find in a helicopter. I like being able to use small inputs using just the ball of my feet rather than having to push my feet forward and back. I find it's easier to make precise adjustments that way.
VKB here too. As said, you don't move your feet forward and back - rather, you tread down on them, and they are very precise. There are no toe brakes, but there is a software download from their site that makes the pedals 'virtual' toe brakes as and when required. Haven't needed it yet.
Anybody fortunate to own the Thrustmaster TPR Pedals encountered the recent concern where they shut down on their own and you need to unplug and re connect to carry on ?
On the slightly cheaper side of things, I like my Turtle Beach VelocityOne pedals. Configurable for Combat and GA-style setups, good sensitivity, comfortable.

(But I'm coming from the Thrustmaster TFRP, which are pretty similar to the CH Pedals, so this was a significant upgrade.)
there's also MFG Crosswinds, I have the V3 with a hydraulic damper and they're great, easy to configure with a very small program to set up deadzones and calibrate!