Rumors are flying

Can you be a bit more specific? I went to AirDailyX and was overwhelmed with flashing windows advertizing everything known to man in flight simulation, and a few unknown.

Are we talking PD3 V4? I didn't see anything, but reread above. It could very well be me.

This Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday the plan is to cover the following products:
  • Digital Design Leipzig Halle: Monday (Time TBD)
  • Aerosoft Trondheim Vaernes: TBD
  • Turbulent Designs MBS: TBD
  • WAMA: Where Are My Aircraft: Monday (Time TBD)
  • Drzewiecki Design Moscow/Washington D.C. TBD
  • Prepar3Dv4 x64: Aiming For Tuesday @ 1700z (will be joined by: Jordan King, and developers from MilViz, Flightbeam Studios, & TFDi)
  • MilViz Beaver: TBD
  • LatinVFR Barcelona TBD

Just more talk. I'm almost ready to click on the X-Plane Buy button.