Runway friction?


Isn't there a configuration or setting somewhere in fs9 where the runway friction can be adjusted for a more natural stopping time on landing?

My pc's in the shop for repairs and I'm using my old backup pc in the meantime and I'm just making some adjustments to the fs9 setup on it to bring it a bit more up to if anyone knows about changing the runway friction somewhere I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

There was a modified sim1.dll that changed the runway friction to more realistic values.

I have it, but can't remember where I downloaded it from!

It does make ground handling better (especially with a correctly set up FM) over the default values in the original sim.dll.

The same was done for FSX as well, although I seem to recall Pete Dowson was discussing implementing direct modification of the values in his FSUIPC module.


That must be it! It is a .dll module now that I remember what it was... I can't remember where it came from either, it was a long time ago.
I just had a look on my other pc's external drive after I hooked it up to the backup pc (good idea having an external drive with backups, saved material and a full copy of FS9 with all the mods etc on it from my other pc) and found a zip copy of sim1.dll.
Thanks Bradburger, for your help jogging my memory.

Re Peter Dowson's FSUIPC module, I updated that as well with the latest copy.
I know this is a FS9 thread, but the topic caught my attention. I did some checking, and read some posts about this in an AVSIM forum. I read that a modified .dll file had been created ( for FSX and FS9) some time in 2012 and a download link was posted. But the link is no longer valid.

Am hoping someone reads this, and can shed some light on this modified file? Yes, there is payware software available to do the job, but freeware is better, in my opinion! NC
There is also an entry in the .air file. Look for section 1101, then scan down to 'Braking strength' which according to AAM V2.2 is Rolling co-efficient of friction.
FSX is better than FS9 for reacting to that value if that helps anyone!

Would appreciate a copy of sim1.dll if someone can provide a link.