runways are missing on cfs3

I did install cfs3 on my computer. i noticed there are no visual runways. :banghead:

What should i do?

Greetings! :wavey:

Have you run cfs3config.exe? It is very important to get this right. You may have some scenery settings too low. If you can find the sliders for scenery, clouds, aircraft etc, try higher settings - there is a drop-down menu where you can find the sliders. Try increasing the slider settings first, if they are on only 2 or 3. Then do a search of the threads here at SOH, for config settings - I think you should look through the knowledgebase sticky until you find posts on config.

Let us know how you get on,

I actually did that, but i unistalled and reinstalled it and did not click the play now button on setup.
Presto! The runways are there.