russia in MAW


Charter Member
Tried running a few russian aircrafts in MAW.
Added russia to the country.xml and some russian pilots.
The aircrafts show under Russia but can't get them to fly in QC.
They only work in QC if I change the country in the .xdp file to Other_Allied_Nations.

How can I get it to work?
Hi Gosd,

you can only have a maximum of 20 countries in the list, did you add Russia in addition to the list in MAW (which already = 20) or did you replace one of the existing slots with Russia?

you will also need to set up the RUS country folder in the main uires folder, so that you can see the Russian country flag in the menu selection in game. and use the the same "RUS" as the short name in the country file when you edit it.

regards Rob.