Russian Missions


Charter Member
Couple of "Russian" missions for fun if anyone is interested. The front takes place over the Czech border.

"A Red October" is the tougher one. It has you chasing bombers while avoiding two groups of fighters at the same time.

"Crimson Crush" is a simple Search & Destroy on two groups of armored
units that are heavy on the Tigers. Dust off your AV History Yaks!

Download at;

Use "Blue-Arrow" on right side for download,not the zip icon on left.

:wavey:Hey good buddy. Got em in ETO as well in CFS3 they work great. Had to get a plane from cfs3 to have it work in eto, not a problem. BTW how's Pearl commin along.

Hey,glad you Gents liked those. NOTE: Those that havent figured out yet,I dont do NEK, so Russia gets a slot with the USA in those. It will always be between the three, Axis = Germany, Allies = Britain or US
My Pearl is good,just got to get a few things lined out and the Read-Me and I'll be done. Japan of course
is under Germany in mine.