Rwy12 Enigma


Charter Member
Two months ago I added Rwy12 jetways to an airport. Everything went well; I flew in & out virtually every day and all was fine with my jetways.

Today I find that the textures are missing; the jetways are there in overall grey, but lacking textures.

I re-installed all 3 Rwy12 object libraries, but still no textures. I cannot remember doing anything involving the jetways, and all scenery sliders are full right. I have not been able to identify jetway textures in any library, so I'm at the end of the road.

Please give me a clue, please! :isadizzy:
- H52
I wish I could help you, but I'm :isadizzy: with you. I have a couple of the local small strips enhanced with Runway12 stuff...and sometimes they are they and textured, sometimes they are they without texture and other times they are MIA.

Have you got a duplicate bgl lurking in your install anywhere, if you have 2 the same, that will nock out your textures, i'll export the bgl to Add-on scenery/scenery, then i'll cut and paste to wherever i want the bgl to finially go, if i forget, like i have 2 bgls, one in scenery and another elsewhere, thats when i lose the textures, removing one will bring texture's back.
cheers ian
Thanks, guys. Ian, followed your suggestion -- I had no duplicates, but nevertheless I pulled out every bgl that mentioned "jetway" from FS9\SCENERY and the one in question, but no joy.

The jetways are still there, but w/o texture.

- H52
I spoke too soon. After posting I went back and again scrutinized my FS9\Scenery and Static Objects Library\Scenery folders.

I found that each contained:

I removed the trio from FS9\Scenery and :pop4: the textures are back!

Ian, you are worthy of a prize. :ernae:
Shame there is no Nobel for Simming, eh? :medals:
Thanks again!
- H52
Happen's to me all the time :isadizzy:
I dont use Rny12 much but Sengenx behave's in a similer way, i keep forgeting to set the export path.
glad i could help, cheers ian