S-14 version 2

Thank You!!!!

ps: you probably should edit your post so your email would not be visible to all the spammers
S-14 update to v2


I gratefully installed V1 of this little gem and I believe there was another small update of sorts which I recall doing. Anyway I am very very happy with this bird as it is at present. Have added SHOCKWAVE (A2A)'s lights and some other effects by RENO.

My question is: Does this latest V2 incorporate any further mods to this a/c (I can find none) or is it just a formalisation of the combination of V1 with the small update?

Thanks for a lovely trainer. I have been doing a very enjoyable comparison with Rick Piper's classic Jet Provost T5 which came out some time ago and is still holding its own in FS2004.

Thanks to both David and Rick for these lovely gems, all the more loveable for their admirable efficiency in modelling and function.


I gratefully installed V1 of this little gem and I believe there was another small update of sorts which I recall doing. Anyway I am very very happy with this bird as it is at present. Have added SHOCKWAVE (A2A)'s lights and some other effects by RENO.

My question is: Does this latest V2 incorporate any further mods to this a/c (I can find none) or is it just a formalisation of the combination of V1 with the small update?

Thanks for a lovely trainer. I have been doing a very enjoyable comparison with Rick Piper's classic Jet Provost T5 which came out some time ago and is still holding its own in FS2004.

Thanks to both David and Rick for these lovely gems, all the more loveable for their admirable efficiency in modelling and function.


Hi Mal:

thank you for down loading the S-14 Machtrainer.

I am glad you like the trainer I am sure the changes you made by adding the SHOCKWAVE (A2A)'s lights and the other effects by RENO makes it even better.

There was only the fix for the slow loading time made in version2 we thought it might be a good idea to upload a version2 incorporating that fix.
